Finding Relief by 365projectorgheatherb

Finding Relief

Ice cream and sprinkles of water from the fountains provide *some* relief from the heat wave we are now experiencing (32 degrees but 41 with the humidity!!!) Stay safe everyone near and far who is experiencing horrible heat!
Such a wonderful image of the suitably clad young lady strolling between the curtains of of water of the fountains ! How amazing that your weather has so suddenly changed to the dizzy heights from the cold and miserable weather ! fav
June 18th, 2024  
@beryl Thank you, Beryl! And yes, I know! How extreme our weather is becoming and with such quick change-overs!
June 18th, 2024  
A lovely scene in the heat the fountains cooling the air would be nice and an ice cream helps for a short time too. Still waiting for summer to arrive over here. Somehow I wasn't following you I didn't realise sorry.
June 19th, 2024  
@wendyfrost Thank you, Wendy! I hope you get summer without massive humidity. The humidity is the killer! (And thank you for re-following me. I don't know why there is this ongoing glitch. Hmm)
June 19th, 2024  
@365projectorgheatherb I might have caught the button by mistake I am struggling to type nowadays with my Rheumatoid Arthritus in my wrists and hands.
June 19th, 2024  
@wendyfrost Maybe that's why. Sorry to hear this, Wendy. I hope you are not in a lot of pain with this.
June 19th, 2024  
fantastic framing!
June 19th, 2024  
Beautifully composed.
June 19th, 2024  
Great capture! Sounds like a nice relief from the heat.
June 19th, 2024  
Nicely framed by the water.
June 19th, 2024  
Such a cool shot and wonderful framing. I could not bear that heat anymore. Fortunately we are in winter with comfortable temperatures, at least during the day.
June 19th, 2024  
Beautiful scene with water. I only go out in the evening.
June 19th, 2024  
I love this composition, Heather! You've captured the spraying water so well and your pov frames the young lady on the sunlit walkway! Well done! Hope you get real relief from that heat wave!
June 19th, 2024  
Such a great scene Heather and beautifully captured and balanced. Wow you have suddenly hit summer!
June 19th, 2024  
A lovely composition, looks very cooling. Fav 😊
June 19th, 2024  
Those water drops should cool the air Heather. I hope you have some respite from the heat soon.
June 19th, 2024  
@yaorenliu Thank you, Yao! I'm learning from you! :-)
June 19th, 2024  
Beautiful capture. Yes stay safe
June 20th, 2024  
Gosh that is hot! Definitely no heatwave here but it is getting a bit warmer. This is a beautiful capture, so cool and fresh. Fav.
June 20th, 2024  
Lovely shot
June 20th, 2024  
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