John says I should let it go but my sense of fairness won't allow it. Here are two Paul Newman "Thin and Crusty Supreme" pizzas. I ask you, where is the quality control? The pizza on the right has 12 slices of pepperoni, while the one on the left has only 8. Do you think it is an assembly line break down or is there a little man in the factory who can't count? I called the company help line and they denied instituting a new company policy reducing the number of slices per pizza. They even said they took pride in maintaining high quality standards. All I can say is I think Paul would be rolling over in his grave if he knew how inconsistent his finished product had become.
Yes, I too would want to say something, and you can be very helpful by calling the "800" number often found on the packaging. Assembly lines are set up to do the same thing each time, so it could be a problem to be fixed. They will be very appreciative, and in the end they will give you some coupons for free stuff. Do it.
@digitalrn That was my plan, but as I wrote, the company disappointed me, not only by blowing off my complaint, but not sending any coupons at all. My illusions have been shattered!
Hmmm- looks like someone was hungry before their break and took an early nibble! I'm not surprised the company didn't care though. I think for some places customer service is a thing of the past.