Baby Gill by anothab

Baby Gill

Had a lovely afternoon at Sammie & Lance's Baby Shower down the Golden Cup 👶🏼🏆 such a good turn out of family and friends! 🥰 as we prepare to welcome another baby into the family, I had to acknowledge that my own child is no longer a kid anymore, because Lysh looked absolutely stunning and grown up in her outfit today... they don't stay little for long! 🤯🥺

After the baby shower I took Lysh down the park for an hour since the weather was gorgeous, then we headed back home for tea just as it clouded over... and now it's hammering down with thunderstorms! 😅⚡

I had intended to go for a run tonight as I've got a lot on this week so may struggle to accommodate elsewhere... but between this weather and my general lethargy I cannot be fucked with it 😂 so I'm spending the night chilling instead either watching TV or doing some gaming probably! 📺🎮
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