A view of my neighbours house above the lush looking fresh green privet hedge. for 1/2&1/2 challenge.
A dull morning but a tad warmer than of late,
I have my Covid booster booked for later this morning - I thought this would merit a pub lunch afterwards!!!
NB - dilemma - did I keep the horizontal line of the hedge true , or should I have tried to straitened the building then the horizontal line would not be true !
So green.
Good luck with the vaccine hope you don't have any side effects.
A pub lunch sounds like a great idea. Whenever I have any vaccines I tell David they said 'no housework for 6 weeks' ha ha not sure he believes me though.
Love the lushness of that spring-green hedge, and... I would tend to do what you did, Beryl, since my eye goes primarily to the hedge. I'm all for Covid boosters- really glad you're doing this, Beryl! And yes, a pub lunch afterwards sounds just right!
The perspective dilemma can be quite frustrating. If it has to be one or the other, I think the bright green hedge should win, like you did. Sometimes in Snapseed, I can tweak them both a bit.
Good luck with the vaccine hope you don't have any side effects.
A pub lunch sounds like a great idea. Whenever I have any vaccines I tell David they said 'no housework for 6 weeks' ha ha not sure he believes me though.
Hope you enjoyed lunch.