Show me your 555th! ;-)

October 29th, 2013

This year is passing me by so fast I can't keep up, it seems... ;-p
I'm way behind...

But I just recently posted my 555th picture!
This is it:

Now show me your! It doesn't matter how long since you posted it; let's see!
October 29th, 2013
If you can wait for another 253 days, I'll oblige!
October 29th, 2013
Here we go then - taken a while ok
October 29th, 2013
Not quite there yet, this is my 552nd:

October 29th, 2013
October 29th, 2013
This is mine from July.

October 29th, 2013
This is mine, from July.
October 29th, 2013
October 29th, 2013
October 29th, 2013
October 29th, 2013
Here's mine! I can't believe it but I'm coming up to day 1000 soon!

October 29th, 2013
From July
October 29th, 2013
A very fitting quote for a "looking back" picture! I have indeed climbed a few mountains since...!
October 29th, 2013
Mine from way back in April!
October 29th, 2013
@wenbow What a superb capture, love the perspective!
October 29th, 2013
@stoat Beautiful, such vibrant colours
October 29th, 2013
Taken July 8, 2013:

October 29th, 2013
July 12
October 29th, 2013
From earlier this month...
October 29th, 2013
This is 555 in my main album; a little tutorial on how to create "steam" :)

October 29th, 2013
October 29th, 2013
Here's mine from just over a year ago .... a fall view of a favourite hosta called "Love Pat"
October 29th, 2013
October 29th, 2013
Haha! This is such a lovely photo!
October 29th, 2013
A bit grainy
October 29th, 2013
October 29th, 2013
lol, must have been a slow photo day!
October 29th, 2013
October 29th, 2013
I just posted my 800th image - its too early in the day for counting, let alone backwards to figure out my 555th.

October 29th, 2013
#555 in album #2

October 30th, 2013
This is mine - from Slideluck Seattle IX....where I was actually a featured artist!
October 30th, 2013
I did this thing because I wanted to make something out of my reaching 555 posted pictures. I've lasted longer than I expected; I've learned more than I thought I would; and 365 has become more than just a source of inspiration and ideas to me. I wanted to remind everyone of just how very different we are - even as we find joy in very much the same things! This community is just so cool... ;-)

Ooh, I'm not sure I'm that patient...? ;-p How about you do this when the time comes around? ;-)

That was pretty - and weirdly christmassy for a July picture... ;-) Reminds me I never got a round to using my glass spheres much... ;-p

Ooh, Sarah, that's cheating! ;-p You have to post a new one in a few days...! ;-) Nice try, though; very nice. ;-p

I love that building! I've never been there, but I've seen loads of pictures of it over time. It's very iconic, and your take on it is very good! ;-) But, uhm.. isn't that your 556th? ;-p

Ok, I'm curious; what exactly are we looking at? The heavy silhouette is a cross? Tell us more!

That's one of the best shots I've ever seen of the Battersea Power Station...! Utterly cool processing! ,-)

That's a beautiful landscape... A great reminder to once in a while to stop and notice the things around us. Sometimes I think that - just as 'you can never be a prophet in you own land' (Does that expression even work in English?) - you grow blind to the beauty of the land surrounding you.

Such a great match for the picture posted just before yours! ;-) Loving the lines and the layers of the landscape. You bring us such wonderful glimpses from the world...

What a jagged landscape...! ;-) I've got to say; that really doesn't look like it was taken in a 30 degree temperature... but the I'm used to the Centigrade scale... ;-p It looks like an impressive place; wild, untamed and beautiful...

Looks yummy... ;-) Have you ever tried making cocktails with fresh raspberries? Makes me wonder if you could make one like a Mojito - just with raspberries instead...) ;-p Hope your enjoying the new house!

I realize it's waterlilies and a summer shot, but my first impression was autumn and wet leaves... ;-p Loving the colors and the angle of the shot. ;-)

I love the way you combined picture and text in that one. "One Day" has also been one of my favourite Ultravox songs... ;-p For some reason, the Tom Hiddleston quote reminded me of that.

I'm loving the quiet majesty of that shot. It looks like a fascinating place to explore.

Great composition. Reading your accompanying text, I think it relays the feel of history very well. I like how you've managed to capture the glow of the lamps, even with the competing natural lighting.

The choice of high key lighting/processing makes this an almost abstract play with colours. I like the warmth of it.

"Sometimes it's annoying that camera can't capture the full effect of what it is your eye sees." I so very much agree with you on that one! ;-) Makes me wonder what you saw that you couldn't bring into the shot - because that isn't bad at all...

I love the result! That picture speaks to me. ;-) It contains several of my favourite things; a nice cuppa, books and photography! ;-) I've got three of Scott Kelby's books myself.

I absolutely love that composition! It's fav'able, I say! ;-) But it's either the 144th shot in your second year or the 502th over all? Show us the 555th over all, please! ;-p

I remember these from my mum's garden, although I forget their name in Norwegian. A fitting picture for this time of year. ;-)

You can NEVER go wrong with chocolate, I says! ;-p Looks yummy. Judging by your faces, one of you more than the other... ;-p

Wow... as I've never seen a turkey up close in real life, I appreciate the details in this shot... ;-) Would have been a freaky halloween mask...

I felt there was something vaguely familiar... and of course; Oxford Station! I was there this summer. Never noticed that ball, though... Kicking myself. As for your shot; never mind grainy; the mood and feel of the shot is brilliant! ;-)


The best 'Smiling Buddha' I've ever seen! Could it have anything with the 'empty' bottle of Coke behind him? ;-p

Talk about a story of contrasts... ;-p I love how you've managed to blend a feel of silhouettes and details in that 'skyline'. ;-)

Ok, the punishment is that you'll have to do this for the 888th! ;-p (Sadly, I wont' be able to take part - yet...)

Such a contrast to your first... ;-) Kind of envious of your having time enough to be that active. My new job really took off this year, so my decision to take a more relaxed approach this year was a wise one. ;-p

Everyone; thank you so much for following up on this one and sharing your moments! ;-D
October 30th, 2013
Great show of community spirit - in more ways than one! ;-) Nice catch.
October 30th, 2013
@bankmann - Thank you very much! But I can't count as 555 is somewhere in year 2 I suppose.
October 30th, 2013
@bankmann hehe :) Thanks!!
October 30th, 2013
From August 2012.
October 30th, 2013
@bankmann I was challenged to keep the subject out of the middle of the photograph and this is what I came up with.
October 30th, 2013
Thanks for the reply! The photo was taken in the evening, when it had cooled down! It is a rugged and beautiful landscape :)
October 30th, 2013
a coconut in a motuan village.

October 31st, 2013
Not my best lol my dog watching animal planet :)
November 1st, 2013
I like that colour splash the sun makes; it's very warm and summerly. It's raining here at the moment... ;-p

Great match for Mittens' picture! ;-) Your line would make a great book title by the way; "Coconut in a mountain village". ;-) Your pic is post card material.

Made me laugh a bit. Pets can be very human. And of course they prefer animal shows...! ;-)

I get that; dividing your composition into thirds and moving your focus to the sides or bottom is always a great tool when looking for a more expressive shot. What I was really wonder about, was that great roundish shape; is that really a cross? Looks kinda cool.

I took a peek, and man would I love to spend a few days in that landscape...! ;-)
November 1st, 2013
I appologize for the occasional weird spelling. Safari's spell checker goes a bit weird some times.
November 1st, 2013
@bankmann - I did see the grass/palm tree relationship when I posted. And oh yeah, Motuan vs Mountain.
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