Most Faved Ever?

January 5th, 2012
There was a Discussion thread a few months ago about which photo had the most Favs and it was this one by Siobhan Leyne @faire. It's one of my personal all time favourites and currently has 89 Favs registered although I think it had a few more before accounts were deleted.

I've noticed this week though that @apsada Amy Spada's gorgeous Alvin has 121 Favs - is this the new all time record? Whether it is or not - congratulations Amy because he's gorgeous.

Does any photo have more than that?
Most of us can only dream about a photo that's that good so in the meantime why not post your most popular - and if you're new then post your own favourite and let us all see it.
Oh - this is my most Fa'd - Heading to the Folly:
January 5th, 2012
I love that top one! I'm a huge dog fan and my two are real characters. One will often sleep with a toy to keep it safe :)
January 5th, 2012

Amazing shot by Amy (@apsada), so well deserved of all those favs - wow! Mine above has 58, I also have a couple in the high 40's. Nowhere close to 100+!!
January 5th, 2012
this one is mine...79 favs
January 5th, 2012
@sparkle - gorgeous!
January 5th, 2012
This one consistently shows up in my stats as my most popular, which I don't get for the life of me. I have pictures that have double, almost triple, the views:

For example, the numbers all around are WAY higher on this one, and it's only my number two:

Which goes to show - you just can't let yourself get sucked into the numbers game around here. Go with your gut. :)
January 5th, 2012
@sparkle @4stories Those are both brilliant - I was pleased with my 52! 121 and still on PP!
January 5th, 2012
That was a fab shot Judith :)

This shot posted on Christmas day is mine...

January 5th, 2012
@beautifulthing Oh yeah - I've got a random shot at number one - I went with the one with most Favs. Interestingly my own personal favourite got 3 Favs and was about my fifth photo when I had about 5 followers - it's just interesting to see what lights other people's fires!!
January 5th, 2012
I think the most faved photo ever was the one where the dog was shaking it's head and the photographer caught it in the middle of the action? Anyone remember that one? Floppy dog lips all over the place? I just couldn't find it to see how many faves it had.

My most faved photo ever has changed now! lol! used to be the mad hatter pic, now it's my booger bear with 75 faves. YAY!

January 5th, 2012
Mine is this one with 54. I was staggeringly overwhelmed!

January 5th, 2012
@judithg Oh, I just love yours! Add another Fav to the list :)

My own person "most faved" has a mere 18, but I aspire to get to that next level of greatness one day! That's why I'm on the project :D

January 5th, 2012
@polarvrtx Amazing!!
January 5th, 2012
This one is at 127! @bobfoto

January 5th, 2012
Gotta mention this one by Steve Hollingsworth @steveh

haha, everytime!! currently on 110 :)
January 5th, 2012
Mr. Daniels's frog bodyslamming a tomato has 127 favs @bobfoto

My dropshot has 95 favs, but it's not even in my all time top 10 :-P

January 5th, 2012
@amyhughes Looks like you meant Steve's?!
January 5th, 2012
@shadesofgrey @janmaki Thanks for that - I'd say the race is on then!!
January 5th, 2012
20 favs

January 5th, 2012
@gurry 115 favs and nearly 1,500 views. I am a Socks stalker as is my daughter! Noticed this when she was having another look recently!!! looking forward to seeing more soon. Have missed you Socks!!!
January 5th, 2012
My first goal is to aspire to get to 10 fav's ;) These are awesome shots! Can't wait to see more!
January 5th, 2012

They both have 39 faves! :)
January 5th, 2012
i think this one has the most favs out of mine, with 11. ;)
January 5th, 2012
Still this one...with 20 favs...must try harder! :)

January 5th, 2012
You all probably must be tired of looking at this one everywhere( browse and picks) by now, but I had only 4 pics in my album and until i get a better pic, this is my best so far at grand 4 favs. :-)

You all got beautiful pictures, they deserve all the faves.

January 5th, 2012

This is mine at 36 favs.
January 5th, 2012
Most faved at 15:

2nd most faved at 11 & probably one of my faves as well:

No where near the 100 :(
January 5th, 2012
This has 50 faves currently. Lost a two or three in the "culling"
January 5th, 2012
My most fav'd is this one with 72 and counting:

January 5th, 2012
My most fav'd is my owl at 60
January 5th, 2012
January 5th, 2012
This is my most fav'd. I took it all the way back in March with my lil old P&S. It has 44 fav's which coincidentally is also the number of years I've been on the planet :o)

January 5th, 2012
@izzymathie Beat me to it. I was going to add @steveh photo of his dog too.

My most fav'd photo is this one, I was amazed it got 21 favs. Nowhere near the records here but still far more than any of my other pictures have received.

January 5th, 2012
here is my highest with 26

January 5th, 2012
My highest at 31 favs. Oddly, not at the top of my stats....seems riding the worm is stuck in top spot because of the views!

January 5th, 2012
this is my most faved ever, with 10 favs! :)

January 5th, 2012
I'm not worthy of this discussion. My most faved was this one at 28 favs.

January 5th, 2012
haha typicaly for me most favs has one of my embarassing photos - 22

January 5th, 2012
This is my most faved
January 5th, 2012
Poor Ginger is my top at 43 favs.

January 5th, 2012
January 5th, 2012
My highest has 13:

January 5th, 2012
My most Fav'd with 13 favs

January 5th, 2012

53 favs
January 5th, 2012
This is my most faved with 28...
January 5th, 2012

Viewed 966 times!!!!!!! And faved 36 I think... might be 35?
January 6th, 2012
My most fav'd, nowhere near most of these...BUT, it's my most faved, most viewed and most commented on photo, and the only one to make PP as well! 7 favs for my loveliness :)

January 6th, 2012
My zebra shot from last Friday has 19 faves. That's the most for any of my shots.

January 6th, 2012
I'm a newbie, so here's my most faved with one fav. Happy 2012 :)
January 6th, 2012
@judithg that's the one!! haha!
January 6th, 2012
@daliadestructo YOU"RE BACK!!! ah, all is right in the 365 world now. :D
January 6th, 2012

This is my Favourite pic I've taken with 46 FAVs on it but the following photo has reached the popular page this week and ends my 365 project with a whopping 63 FAVS
January 6th, 2012

Hope you like it....63 FAVS!
January 6th, 2012
Look out, Im coming at you with a photo that has been fav'd twice. Yeah that's right, 2x. LOL.

I've fav'd some of the pictures above! :)
January 6th, 2012
Not even in the same league as most of you but this one got 37.
January 6th, 2012
this is my most fav'd.....6 favs :-)
January 6th, 2012

89 favs... more than 2x's of any other photo I have posted
January 6th, 2012
@shadesofgrey @janmaki - thanks Lads ;)
January 6th, 2012
I am only new so my numbers are pretty slack lol but this is my most fav'd viewed 258 times fav'd 6
January 6th, 2012
Well, it's nowhere near as popular as all these, but it's got 8 fav's and is my first hit on the PP.

January 6th, 2012
@katiebrenkert Aww - gorgeous!!
January 6th, 2012
@pete21 Stunning!
January 6th, 2012
@simplysnapped Those are enormous numbers when you're new!!! Lovely shot!
January 6th, 2012
@shadesofgrey @petra @michellegaynor @indiannie_jones @minxymissk Love those pics - they bring back happy 365 memories!!
January 7th, 2012
8 for this one...
January 7th, 2012
Only 30 here. If I ever get one hundred I'll fall off my chair. And possibly put the video on YouTube (of me falling off my chair).

January 7th, 2012
@jinximages Gorgeous pic!
January 7th, 2012
@kbradbury 'LOVE' ;0)
January 7th, 2012
@michaelelliott I thought it would be your gravestones! This is fab too.
January 7th, 2012
@judithg - that one was up there too at about 68 favs so they were very close.
January 8th, 2012
This one had 21 Faves
January 8th, 2012
Same here :) I have 28 favs on this one; that was my most favs.
January 8th, 2012
The most I've ever had: lucky # 13:

January 8th, 2012
This is my most fav'd with 50.
I've been so overwhelmed by all the lovely comments.

I think I'll have to go back through here and fav some of these!
January 8th, 2012
This one got 4......
January 8th, 2012
.............and so did this. I can't begin to compare with the rest of you!
January 8th, 2012
And this is a "selfie," right?
January 8th, 2012
9 faves. And the cover of my 365 book from year one. =)

January 8th, 2012
I've been busy adding more faves to some of your totals...but here is my favourite top performer with 14 (I've already put the polar bear shot in a past discussion thread!):

January 8th, 2012
I'll be in that same video of falling off a chair,

This one of mine had 14 whole favorites.

January 8th, 2012
This is mine with 11.

January 8th, 2012
This one has 14 faves, but I have a feeling that number will go down because a lot of the people have dropped out of the project!
January 8th, 2012
This had 13 faves, tied with two other bird shots of mine.
January 8th, 2012
This is my most faved shot, with just 6 faves...and is my only shot to ever make it to the "Popular Page." Still trying, though! :-)

January 8th, 2012
My most fav'd photo is this one, which I continued to be shocked about, since it was never really my favourite photo. It has 138 views, 23 favs.

This one was the only one that made the pp, with 182 views and 8 favs.

p.s. my favs have just gone up after seeing all the photos posted on here!
January 8th, 2012
Definitely going back through this to add to my fav list!
Mine came in at 14 fav's-I can't imagine ever getting 50 much less 100! Crazy talent on this site!
January 8th, 2012
just 4 : /
January 8th, 2012
56 for this, I think it is just not something most people ever get to witness...pleased I could share.
January 8th, 2012
Mine is this one at only 22 FAvs...
January 8th, 2012
I have two with 9 fav's each. That's the most for me :)

January 8th, 2012
This one got the most FAVs with 31 of all my shots, but according to my ACE Stats, it is not one of my top ten photos!?! Go figure!
January 8th, 2012
I'm not sure why Maggie didn't post this on here, but i'm going to take the liberty of doing it for her. "Bad kitty" has an astonishing 4294967295 faves!! Yep, you read that right!

See for yourself here:

My latest PP pic comes in at a mere 29 faves
January 8th, 2012
This is my most fav'd with 6:
January 8th, 2012
@amyhughes I think you mean this one by @steveh with 112 fav's:

January 8th, 2012
Oops, I guess I should have read further... It's still an awesome shot by @steveh though!
January 8th, 2012
Well, this is actually a tiny tad pathetic... but it shows as No1 in my stats
January 8th, 2012
@nenaslug LOL thank you Anita , that shot was one in a million , it went viral around the globe in about 10 days and ended up in the national press in the UK (without me even knowing) & today it still appears every now and then on some website ,... in fact i got a message from a friend via FB today that it has appeared again . if i get the link i will post it so everyone can see what can happen to your images , without your knowledge . Thanks again
January 8th, 2012
@steveh Didn't it show up in a magazine in another country without your knowledge or consent too? I know this shot was one in a million, and that's part of what makes it so awesome!
January 8th, 2012
My Most Faved with 8

January 8th, 2012
I had to jump on the Alvin fav bandwagon also. :)

This is my most fav'd at 41, but is only my fifth most popular:

This is supposedly my top rated, but only has 18 favs.

I'll never to able to figure those magic monkeys out. Lol
January 8th, 2012

my most popular with 2 favs :-)
January 8th, 2012
this is my most fav'd with 68, thank you Mr. Squirrel;)
January 8th, 2012
I'm nowhere near the same league as you guys but here is my most faved shot with 20:

January 8th, 2012
@tabbycat Tabitha, my head swelled so much I could no longer hold it up so I had to rest. :-)
January 8th, 2012
@maggie2 Well, we're all in awe of course! ;-)
Holy crap, that's one fave from every second person on planet earth!! LOL!!
January 8th, 2012
@bradsworld He was one of my first faves :oD
January 8th, 2012
Here's my most fav'd photo at 25
January 8th, 2012
Black Beauty takes the most faved spot in my project at 77 fav's. It's even creeping slowly up my Top 10 list, but still only at number 7. Weeeiiird.
January 8th, 2012
This one of mine has 52 Favs. What an honor.

January 8th, 2012
only 7 fav's but working on it! one day ;)
January 8th, 2012
This one had 13 faves which is my highest

January 8th, 2012
This sits at 1# on my stats list with 25 favs
January 8th, 2012

This is mine with 20 faves :-)
January 8th, 2012
my most faved ever in my project was this one (wish could have one more fav to hit 40... ok ok... it sound ridiculous, but it will be record passed the thirthest something...

January 8th, 2012
I am fairly new still. This is my own fav as none of my photos have any yet :)

January 8th, 2012

Mine with 40 favs
January 8th, 2012
I don't get a lot of favs....ever. But this one has 2! (score.)

January 9th, 2012
This is mine with a whopping 13 faves haha (: some of these put my 13 to shame lol
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