Your Least favorite/Worst photo

June 28th, 2012
Everyone always posts pics they love but I want to see what photos didn't live up to your standards. For whatever reason, maybe its cause they are blurry or you just had to take a pic to complete the day. Or maybe the photo reminds you of something you dont want to remember.

Share them here and explain why it is your least favorite photo.

Here is mine. I was feeling very unmotivated that night and was watching a movie and decided to shoot the popcorn...LOL. I hate the photo but couldnt miss a day.

June 28th, 2012
Without any doubt at all this one. I loathe it!

June 28th, 2012
I hate this one! It was taken this month and I was really uninspired and had almost forgotten about taking a photo. I had the spotting scope out and was making sure my chosen location was the best one in the area to see Venus in transit. The weather forecast wasn't good, I just snapped this for 'hope' in the June word challenge as I was really hoping it wouldn't be cloudy as forecast. Of course, it was cloudy and we couldn't see a thing at transit time.

I just think this photo is utterly dull and boring and it bugs me that it's in my project! I did have other contenders but I think this is definitely my worse (so far at least!)

June 28th, 2012
Without any doubt at all, this one! I felt so bad at this moment...
I really try not to put an other one... :)

June 28th, 2012
I don't know which of these two I hate the most:

June 28th, 2012
For me it was this photoshop effort. At the time I liked it but now when I look it looks very flat and badly done.... I am going to try it again sometime in the future.
June 28th, 2012
Definitely this one, day 3, totally uninspired, don't like the composition or the composition, or anything at all.

June 28th, 2012
Blimey. It's a tough one. I've got too many.
June 28th, 2012
I hate this one, and actually several of the ones before. It was just after I had spinal surgery, so all of my photos were taken while I was high on morphine...

June 28th, 2012
I dont like this one because it just doesnt have anything to it. It is a boring picture and I just dont like it.
June 28th, 2012
@cally i had a series of photos from when i had my appendix out and wound up back in the hospital with kidney failure.

this is the link to the start of my hell....
June 28th, 2012
My 'worst' photo, for the best of reasons!

June 28th, 2012
@jsilver Ooo nice! I had my appendix out in 2007. I've had 5 surgeries since 2004 (2 on right hand, 1 on left hand, appendix and full spinal). The appendix wasn't pleasant but I couldn't move for months after the spinal surgery :( I have photos of the actual surgery on my second album in October if you want a peak!
June 28th, 2012
Without doubt it's my 5th day photo at the start of my 365.....I am totally embarrassed every time I see it!
June 28th, 2012
The 2nd day of the project, I shot this photo without thought. It was our volunteer day and I didn't take time to do any set-up. At the time, I think my thought was to use the 365 as a sort of daily diary snapshot.

June 28th, 2012
@eyesofbetsie He he Betsy...hilarious for all the wrong reasons!!
June 28th, 2012
Hmm, dunno if I have one specific shot I hate (there are several I am unhappy with though) this one just seems very blah to me - like what was I shooting???

June 28th, 2012
3rd day into project and had no clue what to take, so a quick snap from the car, bit of b&w and selective colour - poor effort, must do better !!

June 28th, 2012
@eyesofbetsie Betsy, even thinking of taking that shot is a crime on humanity :)
June 28th, 2012
@happypat Pat, this must be the "winning" shot
June 28th, 2012
Talk about uninspired... :-/

June 28th, 2012
@primitiveprobe Darlin' you wanna' chat up crime?? I'm telling' ya'... The worst part about this photo was this wasn't the longest this blue collar cleavage was. It was scary!!
June 28th, 2012
I hate this photo. It's the first time I have ever seen a green tree frog and I wish I didn't try to capture the moment with my iphone. I am making a book of all my 365 photos at the end for myself and I detest having this photo in it...oh well.
June 28th, 2012
I started this project in January after my sister invited me, and I had NO IDEA what I was doing. I still struggle to take objectionably good photos, but I have come a long way, baby!! This thread makes me want to re-shoot this brooche; I cringe everytime I see it in my project (along with a lot of my ealrier photos). Inspiration for tonight's photos, perhaps!

June 28th, 2012
@eyesofbetsie Well, I'm glad I didn't see it
June 28th, 2012
@primitiveprobe Honey, you got that right!!
June 28th, 2012

June 28th, 2012
Day two of project. So grey and dull out. Took this while waiting for my husband. Bored in a parking lot. And then never took anything else that day. Hmmm.... maybe I should try playing with it in editing....
June 28th, 2012
OK. I reworked it. The original title was "The Sky Is An Ocean". Now it really is!LOL
June 28th, 2012
Isn't that bizarre? They're the same size, but the second looks smaller!
June 28th, 2012
@boogie love the dof
June 28th, 2012
From February. There are several shots I really don't like in my project, but I picked this because I no longer have any response to it at all. It is 'meh!' in a photo. ;)

June 28th, 2012
Need I say anything? BLAH!

June 28th, 2012
Without question this one from day 3 of my project! I was attempting to get an "artistic" shot of the sparkling snow in the yard... epic fail! :)
June 28th, 2012
@happypat You really made me laugh :D
June 28th, 2012
@marilyn awesome. I would have never guessed that this is snow. Off to look up mine now...
June 28th, 2012
I don't like this one because I think the perspective and composition (what composition?!) don't work. I have taken many other pictures in that coffee shop later on and going for detail has usually worked out better.

June 28th, 2012
I have many bad ones... this has to be one of the worst. I was attempting to take a skyline but so poorly that I had to cut the majority of the photo out! This was just about in the first month of my project - hopefully I've improved a little since then! I also used to take a lot of photos of my dinner, but I've mostly stopped that now.
June 28th, 2012
@traeumerlein87 awww, yours isn't bad at all! You just need @wrighty to come and work some curves magic on it and give it some yellow light for you!
June 28th, 2012
@phoenixrising Hm, maybe. Might try that. But I still don't like it :(
June 28th, 2012
I have a few contenders but this I really dislike and cannot fathom what i was think at the time ...
June 28th, 2012
this one... taken in my first 30 days... its god awful
June 28th, 2012
Really hate this apple shot .... but the crumble did taste nice I remember .
June 29th, 2012
this one... of water boiling in a pot... it was early on, i hadn't a clue what i was doing, and i was in "take a picture of everything" mode and see what comes of it... mind you, there are several vying for second and third place ;p

June 29th, 2012
Easy. Who in the heck takes photos of hotdogs on a counter?

I do when I was desperate on the third day of my project.

June 29th, 2012
lol... great topic! I have many that I absolutely detest...

June 29th, 2012
Ohhhhh, so MANY to choose from! This one bugs the hell out of me everytime I see it. It was supposed to be artistic. It's a pendant. Ugh.
June 29th, 2012
This was taken early on in my project while I had a migraine... I just wanted to get the shot over with!
June 29th, 2012
@eyesofbetsie --- LMAO....! You put a smile on my face with this one!!! hahaha!
June 29th, 2012
@gareauk1 XOXOXOX!
June 29th, 2012
this is mine from this month - I'm sure there are worse, but this is the one that jumped out at me. It was a horrible wet, windy, cold day - I saw the sign - thought OMG - made u turn - and then had to see everyone explaining it was possible ... sigh :) Suppose it was one of those "you had to be there" pics :)

June 29th, 2012
@eyesofbetsie Whoa, for a second I thought, "Could she have been at Castaways when I did that...??" Then I realized that was definitely not my hand LOL
June 29th, 2012
This one makes me cringe. I didn't even like it when I posted it, but was just starting to figure out layering and this was one of the catastrophic results... I have considered just deleting it. Entirely. From both hard drives.
June 29th, 2012
@webfoot Marvelous. Day 3 is a difficult day, mine was a day 3 too.
June 29th, 2012
LOL! I had a lot of these days but I think this was my first on day 9, was completely stuck for something to shoot so searched around at work & this was all I could come up with DOH!:

June 29th, 2012
I've had a bunch of shots I still feel embarrassed about having taken. This one is probably the nadir. I spent the entire afternoon really getting into trying to arrange books in photogenic ways, then came up with this.

June 29th, 2012

Uggh, my SOOC week (no processing) and I hated it as I was taking it no sense of lighting or composition or anything really.I too was in "take a picture of everything" mode @northy
June 29th, 2012
It was titled "No Good Shots Today" because everything I'd taken with my "inherited" camera was out of focus. To cover up the blur I processed it to death and hated it. I still hate it. But my followers loved it! Go figure.
June 29th, 2012
For me too many photos, too little space!

June 30th, 2012
June 30th, 2012
This is fun! I just cant believe this one! Makes me laugh!
June 30th, 2012
I had four to choose from, but picked this one which was actually my first photo of the project - my only excuse being that I had aslight hangover at the time, but really wanted to start on 1/1/12

June 30th, 2012
Has to be this. Hated it the moment I took it. And there are several others...
June 30th, 2012
Sorry, but I keep all my failures in the dungeon, locked away in the vault of shame. ;-p
June 30th, 2012

Toilets at the university. I hate this picture because I hate these restrooms :P
June 30th, 2012
Seriously, there are quite a few I loathe. this one tops the chart however!
June 30th, 2012
I really think we should have a vote on the worst of the worst photo's posted!! LOL this is a really funny thread!!!
June 30th, 2012
Loving this thread! I'm not sure what my 'least favourite' is ... because I'm taking the 'take one a day' route, sometimes it is desperation, that said, I'm seeing this far more as a diary of my life, than the development of my photography. The latter tends to happen in spurts, when I have time (like, today, when I was trying to get things moving in the wind). That said, I can't decide which I like the least - many of those that aren't photographically good have amusing memories!
July 1st, 2012
my most recent 'un-favorite' photo. the idea was good, but I really don't like how it turned out.
July 1st, 2012
I'm not sure why I even posted this, other than the fact I didn't take much that day.

On a different note, it's amazing to me how we are our own harshest critics. Scrolling down the discussn, there are a few photos here I really like. I guess photography is indeed art.
July 1st, 2012
I love how some people's worst is significantly better than some of my best. :P Fail on my part.
July 1st, 2012

It looked so much better in my head .. :P
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