How Long should the Camera Settings Challenges Remain Open?

July 18th, 2012
@amyhughes @sobefree @bethanyjay @kjarn @debrac @jannkc @natalie84 @ltodd @melee09 @lstasel @onie @mjkthorpe @andycoleborn @wardie @dancingkatz @aromatic @webfoot @nimi @tryeveryday @humphreyhippo @swguevin @chapjohn @petra @harley84 @bluefirebucket @traeumerlein @wenbow @aurorajane @mah68
@dmortega @sobefree @la_photographic @mikegifford @m9f9l @pocketmouse @kph129 @smithak @adeakinyede @hopess13 @onie @debrac @mah68 @melee09 @chauncygirl

I am contacting you because you either voted, participated in a discussion, or an entry for the last Camera Settings Challenge. I am contacting you for two reasons:
1) I would like to have a vote on how long the challenges should remain open. 4 days was too short and it seems to me 14 days is too long but I’m not sure.

If you are not on this list, you may still vote - I was trying to contact people quickly.

Do you think the challenge should last:
7 days
10 days
14 days

Are there any specific types of settings you would like to learn?

Also, I would like to continue to add people to the list of potential camera setting challenge hosts. The winner of the challenge can host the next challenge, find someone to host it or choose someone from the list. If you know someone you recommend or would be willing to be on the list yourself. Please comment on the following link:
July 18th, 2012
7 days seems about right, you either have time in the week or not to do it. I like them, but some weeks I am just to busy to figure it all out.
July 18th, 2012
well with 14 days on this challenge, we only had 2 pages worth of entries so I don't know...I'm thinking 10 but somehow we've got to get more participants.
July 18th, 2012
I agree with @httpgeffed that 7 days is a nice length for a challenge.
Is voting to be open for 3 days?
July 18th, 2012
@myhrhelper Thank you for including me in this conversation. I agree four days is too short. 14 days is about right. Let the posting be for 9 days, then 2 days to vote, then 2 days to get the next CSC in order to post on the 14th. I see this allowing time to let everyone breath and not feel so rushed. Also it gives those who have only one album several options to post for CSC and other themes-challenges they choose to participate in.
July 18th, 2012
I vote for 10 days - two weekends...
July 18th, 2012
I definitely think the the period for submitting entries should not be less than 7 days. Then give folk 3 days to vote, 1 day to tally and notify the winner. Then the following 4 days can be used to set up the next challenge. This would mean the entire cycle is 14 days per challenge.
July 18th, 2012
I don't have a preference. Whatever the time period is, I'm good with it. No help, I know.
July 18th, 2012
10 days. it should give people enough time whether they are busy or not.
July 18th, 2012
I like 10 days, gives you 2 weekends to play! :)
July 18th, 2012
I agree with the 14 day set up that has been suggested. I would like to learn understanding of metering, white balance & focus. The settings challenge is brilliant, Kathy. I would like to congratulate you on seeting it up
July 18th, 2012
The 14 day cycle seems like a good plan to me.
July 18th, 2012
I think about 10 is great with the other 4 of a fortnight turnaround dedicated to announcing and selecting the winners and themes etc. So if your including the take-up time aswell then its about 14. Cheers
July 18th, 2012
7 days :)
14 is feeling too long, But I'll go with whatever .
July 18th, 2012
10 for entries- 2 weekends. My camera is sick but will be paying attention and learning from the rest till I get it back. I would like some focus work and landscape settings and all the things that the "pros" throw out there. Maybe sunny day stuff since we did night settings?
July 18th, 2012
Personally, I can't always photograph during the work week, so do most of my captures on the weekend. A 7 day challenge would work well for people in my situation. I'm very interested in participating in these upcoming challenges :-D
July 18th, 2012
@m9f9l @wenbow Just to clarify, some suggested 9 days for entries (I interpret that as 10 days) and another suggested 7 days - both thought it should be a total of 14 days turnaround. So when you agree with the 14 days do you think it should be 10 days or 7 days for entries?
July 18th, 2012
I agree 14 days was a little too long but a 14 day turnaround sounds about right. John suggested 9 days and a few others thought 10. I think either would work well.

In terms of settings: We have not done White Balance or metering. We also have not done "Live View" focusing. For sunny day photography we could do sunny f/16. A couple of other settings are "Multiple Exposures" (which I have never used) and the difference between AF-S and AF-C.

Bracketing is another setting but I am not sure about the practicality of this. Most commonly it is used for exposure but can also be used for dof and white balance. Does Picmonkey or any of the other free software have multiple exposure HDR processing?
July 18th, 2012
Yeah, Courtney has agreed to start up our next challenge and will post tomorrow!!
July 18th, 2012
I am with Christine Krebs' set up
7 days to post
3 to vote
1 day tally up & notify winner
Then it gives you 3 or 4 days to find another host for the next challenge
July 18th, 2012
I agree that 4 days is not long enough. I am afraid that if it is drawn out to long though people will loose interest. If we go 14 days, I think that we need to have the voting and new host pick included and the new challenge set up by the 15th day.

I would like a challenge on white balance at some point.
July 18th, 2012
Yep, 7 to enter, 3 to vote, 1 to tally and then move on - sounds good.
July 18th, 2012
I like 9 to enter starting on a sat, so there's 2 weekends and then 5 for the voting/posting/choosing etc... and start on a sat again.
July 18th, 2012
July 18th, 2012
10 days sounds good to me with a 4 day breather in between, giving time to get the next challenge sorted and two weekends to take photos
July 18th, 2012
I feel that 10 days would be far better, giving two weekends to take photographs. I would very much like to start joining in with this challenge and for me personally would give me more time to get to grips with the challenge. But whatever the decision will still be happy to give it a go.
July 18th, 2012
10 for me as well.
July 18th, 2012
I think 10 days is a good length for a challenge.
July 18th, 2012
I haven't been able to join this as my P&S only has a few preset settings - but my new DSLR is winging its way here as we speak, so I'll be 'in' next time for sure!

(I'd go for 10 days too)
July 18th, 2012
I think 10 days is perfect! Thanks for including all of us!
July 18th, 2012
Between 7-10 days, which should cover at least one weekend when people have time to go out shooting. Last year I did a 5-day artist challenge and had to extend it to about 7, people have to go through the artist's works/plan about the theme before going out taking pics. For the Mirror Challenge #7 just posted today I give 7 days.

If you want a vote, 7.
July 18th, 2012
I have to confess I have had CSC guilt because I'm one of the people who asked for more time and then I STILL failed to post an entry during the 14 days, shame on me. I am reading, following and experimenting, though, so it's not all lost on me. I agree we need at least one weekend for entries, so I say 7-10 days for entries. Thank you, Kathy. This challenge is brilliant. And the topics suggested by @lstasel all sound good. I don't know what most of that even is. :)
July 18th, 2012
10 days would be good if it included two weekends because that means everyone gets two chances if you haven't got time during the week. I was going to enter the last round that was only a week long but found that it finished before I got the chance to take anything. Then the next few days the voting can occur before starting again. I think it's best to have it beginning on the same day of the week all the time so that people get into a routine.
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