Share a favorite "push"

September 26th, 2012
Now that we are ten weeks (!!) into the "Get Pushed" challenges (thank you @northy for continuing it!), I thought it would be fun for folks to share some of their favorite pushes - both to give us ideas for next time and to share something new or interesting you've tried.

This challenge, from @pizzaboy, was "take a shot using the slow synch mode of the inbuilt flash on your camera to flash the foreground and properly expose a darker background."

This challenge was long exposure night photography from @tracywilliams .

This week I'm attempting 'high key' photography, courtesy of @katharinehubbard .

September 26th, 2012
This turned out to be one of my favourite shots of my whole project so far, the challenge was to shoot low-key:
September 26th, 2012
Oh and didn't want to forget my literal response to @mstipe 's challenge to "picture your words."

September 26th, 2012
@mgirard Wow Michael, that is so sexy!
September 26th, 2012
Katie... these are all great, but that knife shot is beyond awesome! really well done!
September 26th, 2012
@mgirard oh now that is drool worthy cool!
September 26th, 2012
This one was a favorite because I have been wanting to try it for a long time, and my pusher had no way of knowing that! "Pushed" is pretty motivating I must say!

September 26th, 2012
This was another fun one. Why do so many of my pushes involve fire? LOL

September 26th, 2012
Katie...I love the knife shot. How did you do it?
September 26th, 2012
I really enjoyed this push by @tigerdreamer to try some high key photography. It was probably my toughest challenge as I'd never tried doing it before.

September 26th, 2012
One of my faves was this long exposure night shot...although what @geocacheking had pushed me to do was use a small aperture to get the nice light stars and I remembered it wrong once I was out with the camera

And this one, @jsw0109 Pushed me to make something I see in my home/neighborhood all time more interesting than it is. I had never considered photographing the flat landscape around here.

September 26th, 2012
I'd have to say my last is my FAV so far. However, my next push "light painting" will be right up there.

September 26th, 2012
My favorite was the one Monika (@monika64) gave me - to create a still life using 3-5 non-related items and photograph them in renaissance style. Incredibly challenging but to my surprise, equally enjoyable to work with. I was pleased with the outcome :-)

September 26th, 2012
As a push I enjoyed and was frustrated most with low key.

But I was pretty wowed I got this one.

September 26th, 2012
@archaeofrog How do you do this with a flash? Very cool
September 26th, 2012
How do I share my favourite push? Impossible, they've all been such amazing challenges and have pushed me so far in understanding my camera settings. Each one has asked me to do something I thought I would never be able to do, and somehow I've managed it. I think though that I'm most proud of my light trails (from @michaelelliot) and this week's water crown (from @emjay8) - proving that you can do stuff even without a tripod ;-)

September 26th, 2012
Great idea for a thread Katie, and glad you are enjoying your current push! Will work on mine soon I promise! Have really enjoyed Get-Pushed thus far - long may it continue :)
I have two favourites thus far:

This one was my first contribution to Get-Pushed, and my first selfie and am really pleased with it as it captures a very personal emotion (see the original for details) - thanks to @carolinedreams

From a technical point of view this is one of my best shots in response to @ltodd

This was also quite good in response to @ladyjane, but I think @tulipgirl did a better job than me!
September 26th, 2012
This is my favourite so far. I was challenged to explore the use of negative space

September 26th, 2012
@pocketmouse challenged me for #7 to do white on white ~ It was far more difficult than I ever imagined, and I learned so much from it.

September 26th, 2012
and another tough one for this week ... I was challenged by Travis for get pushed 10
'I have noticed that you have most if not all of the 5 elements (water, fire, wood, earth, metal 'yes, metal adds a little twist') in your portfolio. Now can you get them all in one shot? That is your challenge this week. :-) You may interpret that as you may.'

I had already taken this shot before the challenge was issued (by a few days) [I have another idea up my sleeve but will see if I got time and the skills to pull it off]

September 26th, 2012
@katharinehubbard Thank you so much Katharine. I think you got much better height on yours!
September 26th, 2012
Negative space has to be my fav so far. I loved @jantan response with fizzy berry's and hope to do something wonderful.
September 26th, 2012

My long exposure shot, challenged by @kidatheart :)
September 26th, 2012
@socalgal Yay Patty, you did so well!
My still life as pushed by @megsy was also my favorite push. You know you like it when you get goosebumps when you realize you got the light right.
September 26th, 2012
My push was from Lesley @kiwichick and I am especially glad to have gotten this shot (though under extremely stressful circumstances): "a selfie from an interesting perspective with something you care about". Even with only my iPhone camera, I was pleased as my Mom (the bride) passed away two days later...

September 26th, 2012
I really enjoyed every push challenge I received so far! What was the most fun to me so far and something I admired a lot from other photographers and wondered how to do it was the high key challenged by Aaron @grizzlysghost

But the challenge I feared the most when I got it was to do a water drop or crown pushed from Juliette Packham. I tried doing these so often with huge fails and I didn’t think I would be able to do it. She actually gave me 2 options and I did the other option first since I had given up on doing crowns. But then I gave it a couple more tries. I was so glad she pushed me in this direction because the shot got on the top 20 list which was a first (and probably the last) and only time ever for me.

September 26th, 2012
@lyno I'm so glad the timing was right Lyn, and you did a wonderful job of it too.
September 26th, 2012
Wow, I've enjoyed most of them! I thought @chewyteeth's challenge to a shoot a "dynamic composition with shadow as a dominant element" was interesting!
September 27th, 2012
This one I've had the most fun with. I'm glad that @synke gave me the push to think less, and though I'm still looking, this made me smile to incorporate the One Night Stand challenge at the same time. I hope to come up with a better photo for "minimalism", but this was a fun little laugh that even my wife enjoyed. It is a great push challenge and I'm glad I have a few more days with it. Thanks Synke.

September 27th, 2012
At first I hated the Rembrandt lighting push because I didn't even know what it was and had to google it and then google how to achieve it and then find someone willing to be a guinea pig, so it was a very stressful push, but the fact that I succeeded makes it one of my favorite pushes:
September 27th, 2012
several of my get pushed partners have pushed me to do SOOC (or a water crown) so I hope I don't get either of those again for a very long time. However.... the last time it was challenged, I was also told I couldn't CROP. While I did do a shot that was SOOC with no crop previously, I wanted desperately to process the one I had done before. Knowing I couldn't, I decided to process IN camera before I ever pressed the shutter release, which not only produced some wonderful results, but became the current camera settings challenge, so for the fact that it has changed the way I do my photography (I still do post processing, but I do way more in camera now) and inspired others to tweak things like contrast, saturation, sharpness, tone, etc in camera, I have to say that my favorite overall push was the SOOC with no crop. This was my best shot:
September 28th, 2012
I enjoyed this push from @ltodd to be pretty much sooc and monochromatic. It was a real challenge and fun.
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