I wish 365 had a like button.

January 14th, 2013
I am not a photographer and cannot really give critique . I know what sort of photos I like and the ones I love. If I love a photo I will fav it but if I like a photo I will comment . Sometimes my comments seem lame. I think a like button the same as one on facebook would make my life easier :)
January 14th, 2013
I have to say I completely agree :-)
January 14th, 2013
I wished that, too!
January 14th, 2013
Maybe we could just type ”like" in the comment section. I think I'll start doing that. Sometimes all the words have been said in previous comments, and you just want that person to know you have viewed, and like the photo.
January 14th, 2013
@onie Exactly :)
January 14th, 2013
Comments are of course so much more meaningful, but as much as I'd love to leave a thoughtful remark on every single photo I look at and like, there simply isn't the time! Sometimes I'd appreciate a Like a Love and a Fave button! ;-)
January 14th, 2013
I have to agree with you to some degree Tammaray especially when you have alot of followers...at least they would know you had good intensions instead of not having the time or energy to comment on them all everynight! Still we should keep that option to comment or i would feel such a loss of the closeness of this community! Just Add the Like Button!! HaHa Comming from someone completly computer iliterate It CANT BE THAT HARD TO ADD IT CAN IT??? :P LOL!!
January 14th, 2013
agree :)

when I see photos I like or love I always say "like it" or "love it" :)
January 14th, 2013
I agree with you that having a somekind of Like button is good idea to show that you value the photos you are seeing, but it feels too Facebookish. I mean we are so comfortable having a button for everything and only critique we are able to produce these days is "like" or "dislike". Please don't feel offended because I am speaking about social media in general.

These are just my thoughts. I wish you all many inspirational ideas =)

@onie @tammeray @ellimae @gemtumble @cnlane @aikiuser
January 14th, 2013
No.... I hate the like button, it's overused. I think a one word comment is just as easy and you don't have to use the same word each time you reply.
January 14th, 2013
I agree, would love to have a like button! Anybody send a suggestion to Ross yet?
January 14th, 2013
@tatamanke You may see me doing the same :) Or Maybe even leaving a smiley face :)
January 14th, 2013
I've often thought the same thing! *Like*
January 14th, 2013
MY computer is old and slow so if the photo has lots of comments, getting to the comment box takes time :(
January 14th, 2013
@hauss yeah, I actually do agree. Not a big FB fan for sure. Just wish there was a way I could let everyone know I saw and admired their image. It would take more hours than in a day to respond how I'd like to! ;-)
January 14th, 2013
At the risk of being controversial, I sort of like having to comment. I means I have to actually really like an image to want to put in the effort to write something, and I guess that's what I think when people comment on my photos. For me, a photo with few comments actually speaks.volumes :p

On Facebook its easy to haphazardly like everything, even if you don't really like it that much!
January 14th, 2013
@paulavdmerwe this suggestion has been sent to Ross several times over the last few years and every time this gets brought up most people disagree with it.
January 14th, 2013
January 14th, 2013
I sort of agree, just because of the fact I'm not a photographer, I just like to take photos and I can tell which photos I like or love, but I can't give any good crytique because I don't know anything about photography.
On the other hand I agree with @amyamoeba , the effort of commenting on a photo you really like has more meaning to it.
January 14th, 2013
I like the fact that one leaves comments even if you just say "like", or repeat what others have already mentioned. I think a like button would remove something personal about the comments.
January 14th, 2013
A dislike button would be more entertaining ;)
January 14th, 2013
@stevieinwonderland You don't have to comment from technical aspect. You can just write why YOU like the photo. No matter if it's colors you like or because there are ducks or dogs on the shot =) I think that even that kind of feedback without mentioning DOF, POV or composition is very valued by the author =)
January 14th, 2013
Apparently this discussion should normally happen in February as here's the discussions from 2011 and 2010.
January 14th, 2013
@amyamoeba see I must be quick on the uptake :)
January 14th, 2013
have a voting poll. I vote for 'likes' :)
January 14th, 2013
January 14th, 2013
Yuck no - sorry, don't like! The personal comments and views are what keeps me (and I think most people here) going, no matter how brief.
January 14th, 2013
@jase_h @amyamoeba LMAO at your two responses. Priceless!! Thx for monday morning laugh!!
January 14th, 2013
@aikiuser - I think the idea of a 'like', a 'love' and a 'fav' option is a great idea. Although, it is nice getting the comments :)
January 14th, 2013
@jase_h haha that's just mean! And what if you got a dislike? How devo would you be :P
January 14th, 2013
I like the idea of "like" but I love a comment. We would lose that. Besides, I'd be the laziest follower and just end up liking everything. I'm like that. :)
January 14th, 2013
I "LIKE" that idea very much!!! - but comments are very welcome (hint, hint)
January 14th, 2013
Why not post your shots on facebook. There's a like button. What's wrong with the fav button?

@onie Good one!
January 14th, 2013
@mastermek the fav button is used for my wow type photos , comments used when I really need the person to know why I like and A like button would be perfect to let people know I like their photo even if its not a wow photo :)
January 14th, 2013
I think we'd get lazy if there were a like button. I love the connection with folks all over the world in sharing comments whether they are technical or not. As a newbie its one of the things I love about this site.
January 14th, 2013
Aha. Funny. That is a nice thought. Do you think the 'like'-receiver would interpret your like that way too?
January 14th, 2013
But it you use a "Like" button, I would have less chance to notice YOU and then I would never click on YOU and check out what YOU have produced. I 'like' that 365 is so personal. I think that far out ways the times for me when I wish there was a 'like' button. Also, this would discourage members from taking up the 'ace' option...more and more people won't see the need to see the stats on who's viewing their work. So, really if we take the time to view...then that must mean there is something we like about the photo, even if you don't wish to put words to it - and the ace photographer will know that.
January 14th, 2013
You beat me to it, you speedy researcher... heh heh ;-) @amyamoeba
January 14th, 2013
@smallbirdonawire As if I would ever get a Dislike!!!! ;)
January 14th, 2013
@mandyj92 I am following you now because you like everything! :)

@malc, that's my favorite part too!

@jase_h I like your confidence, I'm going to check that out!
January 14th, 2013
@nana2r Bring it on!!! :P
January 14th, 2013
Like is the lazy persons way of saying "its a nice shot and I smiled, but I couldn't shift my lazy fingers enough to type a simple response to the hard work you spent in taking the photo, please try harder next time and I'll try harder in typing"
January 14th, 2013
@bobfoto love your response :-) oops, meant Like
January 14th, 2013
@mizhayz *just shifting my lazy fingers* Thanks Mizhayz, the great thing about this community is not how many views you get or even how many faves you get (frogmato excepted) but how many gorgeous and varied people from all around this big blue planet say things like "nice" and "wow" and "oh how sweet".

Its not hard.
January 14th, 2013
I wish there were more @bobfoto's in the world, and frogs of course
January 14th, 2013
@jase_h *moving lazy fingers once more* Thank you Mr Hoad, if I wasn't about to leave Australia, I would be planting more tomato plants. I hear the frogs are attracted to the sweet sweet fruit. Cheers!
January 14th, 2013
@bobfoto Well said - thats what I was trying to say in a roundabout sort of way.
January 14th, 2013
@malc - you said well, and I concur.
January 14th, 2013
@bobfoto I comment on photos that make me go wow and I fav the ones that I feel deserve it . My lazy fingers think a like button would just be nice to let people know I like there photo even if it is not my fav. I love this place and love the interaction on here . However there are some photos that deserve a like that my lazy fingers just do not bother to comment on at the moment.
January 14th, 2013
@tammeray - sounds fair Tammeray, just good to see you around the place and posting the occasional comment. Its all good!
January 14th, 2013
A like button would be good, or maybe a set of star * to choose from?
January 14th, 2013
@davidchrtrans It's because I'm meant to be at work :P
January 14th, 2013
I have been on 365 for 9 months and have always thought we need a "like" button. I only FAV the images that absolutely blow me away, and on the ones I like, I make comments.
January 14th, 2013
I do feel that sometimes too, but it would make people lazy and I don't think people would comment anymore. I would like to be able to like other people's comments though.
January 14th, 2013
The lazy part of me would definately enjoy a 'like'button or something else to simply push on to show I liked a particular picture.
But then again having to comment makes me think about why I like a shot or what it is that gets me to Fav the photo. It so becomes another learning experience, what is the difference between a nice picture or a great one. And, of course, the person who gets the comments probably enjoys it.
As for those who would really like to get a likebutton, why not just write 'like!' if you like something? It does get the message across the same way a 'nice' or 'cool' would do.
January 14th, 2013
That is why there is the FAV button
January 14th, 2013
Good topic. And I had that thought when I first arrived.

However, I think a like button might get overused. Not having the button forces me to comment on the photos that really speak to me. I think that means more. Because... I would "like" a LOT of photos that I see on here! OMG so much talent on here. And if I "liked" everything I saw, that would diminish the value, don't you think? Also, you receive followers when you comment.

And the Fav button? Reserved for the photos that I absolutely love and want to find again.
January 14th, 2013
I'm not at all keen for a "like" button. I've seen so many times on FB that people get too lazy even to type a small comment under a status, photo or whatever, so they "like" instead. Most the time it means nothing, as it's so easy to do people do not give it any thought.
January 14th, 2013
"Like" this whole discussion.

"Dislike" the like button for reasons already mentioned that I can't be bothered to re-iterate.

Also, on a semi-but-not-really-related note, I just deactivated my FB account and I feel more free than I have in years. =P
January 14th, 2013
Agreed in terms of liking the discussion, but no LIKE button for me...I know that 365 is part social media, but that is SO overused and I want those I follow to know I am actively viewing and participating in their 365 journeys.
January 14th, 2013
@jase_h @amyamoeba @bobfoto well said guys

I like that there's no like button.
January 14th, 2013
Another vote for no "like" button.
January 14th, 2013
It has a FAV button, is that not the same thing?
January 14th, 2013
Sometimes when I like a photo, but not enough for a FAV, I will comment, however some photos have many many comments and I feel like mine would not count for much.. Therefore I agree a "like" button or similar would be useful, or perhaps replace the FAV button with star ratings out of five, where five stars would equate to a FAV.
January 15th, 2013
I started reading this discussion wanting a like button, and now i'm not so sure! It would make showing my appreciation for photos easier (and lead to less disgruntlement from my abandoned-feeling hubby!) BUT I really enjoy reading the comments on my pics, and to lose those would diminish the experience. Great disussion...LIKE!
January 15th, 2013
January 15th, 2013
I would not like a like button. It seems so impersonal. People work so hard to take a good picture and share it, they deserve at least a word or two. To me, clicking Like would not have much meaning.
January 15th, 2013
January 15th, 2013
The fave button is similar enough to a like button. It's useless to have 2 buttons for the same concept. Just don't be so picky about what you 'like' and what you 'love'.

The star idea is good. But you could even just have 3-5 star options and the 5 star ones would have a section like the popular page.
January 15th, 2013
Anti Like button here.

People going to the effort to open a photo fully should be satisfaction enough. There have been multiple times I've had more comments than views, meaning folk have commented from their dashboard rather than viewing the image in full. As with others above, I only ever Fav a photo which is completely unique, spectacular or perhaps a technique I want to try for myself.
January 15th, 2013
No like button for me. I love to read the comments on my shots and on others as well. I learn so very much from this feed back which I would not by a button or a star system.
And I totally agree to Lyn: "I want those I follow to know I am actively viewing and participating in their 365 journeys. "
January 15th, 2013
As many have already said, "like" is too easy and means little. I appreciate comments that tell me what someone saw in my picture. I try to do the same when I comment.
January 15th, 2013
@louienumber4 Agree.
January 15th, 2013
@wormentude - Oh that is so cool! Thanks for sharing :)
January 15th, 2013
I would like a like button on the comments. People take the time to leave comments on my photos and at times when I am short of time I prefer to view their photos. So a like button for the comments would allow me to easily acknowledge the comments.. If that make sense..
January 15th, 2013
I'd like maybe a 'like' button for comments, but not for pictures? The fave works fine for me for images, but sometimes I read what others have to say and agree, or feel they have said what I was thinking exactly, or that the image doesn't need me to reiterate what's been well said. On the other hand, taking the time to actively comment is a good thing, makes me consider what it is I am really enjoying about an image and I really appreciate it when people do comment... a like button could become a bit of a cop out. So maybe no 'like' button for me after all!
January 15th, 2013
I vote yes. I think I'm in the minority. When I don't have time for a comment, or read a few and it's exactly what I'd say, I just hit FAV.
January 16th, 2013
I like that there isn't a like button...I have the fav button. First year I commented on EVERY picture of the people I followed (and limited how many I followed because of it)....yes, sometimes the comments seemed lame but I wanted them to know I took the time to view it. This second year I am slowing increasing those I follow but I don't have time to comment on all. I will look at all and comment on those I like or love and fav those I want to come back to again because I liked/loved them so much.
However...I will say this....if you do put a like button in @Scrivna...can you make it accessible only when on that picture's page, because then you would know the person took the time to really look at it and not just at the thumbnail and hit 'like' as you do on FB.
January 16th, 2013
i agree too .....
or instead "like" we can use an icon , maybe a ♥ or something original ?

January 16th, 2013
Thankyou everyone for your feedback :) I have decided I will just comment with a smiley face if I cannot think of anything productive to say :)
January 16th, 2013
@bobfoto A man of reason...
January 16th, 2013
I agree with @spankyjane I wish you could like comments :) so instead of people writing similar things you could like it and it says underneath the comment who liked it. That would be cool. Or if something is funny, like it. Don't you think? Xx
January 16th, 2013
i like the idea of a star rating system.
January 17th, 2013
Like buttons are nice, but I prefer getting a comment; lame or otherwise. Getting 'likes' doesn't mean much to me. Not quite the same awesome feeling you get when someone comments...even if it just says "nice photo" or "cool" or whatever. That means something to me.
January 17th, 2013
Gads! Don't turn 365 into a Zuckerberg experience. I'm tired of hearing the word "like". The comments are what make this experience worthwhile, along with the photos, of course. There are a few of you out there whose comments are so entertaining that I can't wait to read them. I could care less how many people take 1/10 of a second to click a like button for one of my photos. Somehow a fav means something to me, especially if you tell me WHY you like my photo.
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