Your favourite photo: 19 - 25 February

February 25th, 2011
Hey all! What's your favourite photo over the past week, between 19 - 25 Feb?

You can post your favourite photo by copying and pasting the code from the 'Share' box that's in your photo page, together with info on when it was taken. Part of the challenge is only selecting ONE picture, so no cheating!

My favourite was taken tonight, on 25 Feb:

February 25th, 2011
My favourite taken on the 21st

February 25th, 2011
I'm having an off week, but I like this one from the 19th well enough . . .

February 25th, 2011
For once I like a few of mine this week, but I think this one is my favourite.

February 25th, 2011
took this one while i was home sick from work on wed...

one of my fave of the week....
February 25th, 2011
I was very happy with how this one turned out on 22nd January

February 25th, 2011
I'm pretty proud of this one.
February 25th, 2011
I would nominate this as my favourite of the week. It was taken on a very dull day, by natural light indoors on my kitchen window-sill, but a bit of post processing brought it to life.

February 25th, 2011
mmm.... couple i like of the kids... but i think this ones my fave...
February 25th, 2011
This is from a new restaurant that I tried out this week, I really like the lights reflected in the mirror.

February 25th, 2011
Taken 2/20/2011
February 25th, 2011
coming home from a mini road trip (:
February 25th, 2011
Here's mine which went to the PP (OMG!!!), i do love it though!!!

February 25th, 2011
Definitely my NYC photo - taken by myself while riding in a plane flown by my 15 yr. old son. =)
February 25th, 2011

or the one i did for the ED comp..
February 25th, 2011
gotta be sweet Tony

February 25th, 2011
My favorite one of this week is the one I took today :)
February 25th, 2011
February 25th, 2011
baby on board....cause it is so different for me

February 25th, 2011

taken on Saturday
February 25th, 2011

Again, thanks to @gjw for allowing to recreate one of their shots. I'm quickly discovering that I enjoy changing a picture to look "different" than taking a normal shot SOOC.
February 25th, 2011
February 25th, 2011
Although it was my socks that made it to the popular page AND home page, this one is probably my favourite.
Taken 23rd.
February 25th, 2011
February 25th, 2011
Made this one today on 25Feb
February 25th, 2011
I had a great week but I guess I'd have to say this one!
February 25th, 2011
Had so many cherished comments on this one:
February 25th, 2011
February 25th, 2011
February 25th, 2011
While my photo taken from the 20th was on the popular page, I prefer this one.

February 25th, 2011
February 25th, 2011
my little snowflake:
February 25th, 2011
I have to go with this shot from the 24th but i also was really pleased with todays shot.
February 25th, 2011
Here's mine! Makes me smile. :)

February 25th, 2011
February 25th, 2011
February 25th, 2011
February 25th, 2011
February 25th, 2011
Gotta say this one - first time on the PP AND a bunch of fun with my lil' girl :)

February 25th, 2011
Have to be this tropical- feeling palm tree in my backyard at 5am!

February 25th, 2011
A Kiss Good Bye taken on 2.21.2011
February 25th, 2011
@emmar84 I loved that one too. Mine was between the pic of my three boys (which I've just put on my fav B&W) and this one which I took yesterday. I've gone for this one as it was fav'd as soon as I uploaded which was a thrill for me :o)

February 25th, 2011
February 25th, 2011
Without a doubt!! 24 Feb.
February 25th, 2011
Wow, fabulous photos this week! I need to finish uploading before I can choose my fav!
February 25th, 2011
This is most definitely my favorite of the week . Of course I'm a little biased toward my subjects in the photo - my daughter and new granddaughter.

February 25th, 2011
Tough choice! As much as I love my "Loopy Loop" photo (which I was amazed and excited it made PP and the homepage) I can take florals on any day. That is why I love this one more because it was a once in a lifetime opportunity as he continues to change and grow everyday and I love him more everyday!

February 25th, 2011
February 25th, 2011
February 25th, 2011
@psychographer Thank you Lisa and I think you chose well, that picture caught my ey as soon as I saw it on the dashboard.

@dejongdd Congratulations Deb, you have a beautiful new granddaughter, thank you for sharing such a lovely picture
February 25th, 2011
not really in the same league as all of these shots but I like this one
February 25th, 2011
@kaost That is one gorgeous photo. I would be happy if I had taken it! Congrats!
February 25th, 2011

I was more than pleasantly surprised at how this picture turned out.
February 25th, 2011
@marshy15 Awesome shot and awesome processing!
February 25th, 2011
This one, even though it is a poor picture technically, I hope it got an important message across:
February 25th, 2011
February 25th, 2011
February 25th, 2011
February 25th, 2011
Taken on the 21st, I was just hanging out with friends but this is something new for my collection and I just love it! =DD

February 25th, 2011
February 25th, 2011

definately my fave this week:-) just love her expression
February 25th, 2011
Not my 'best' by a long shot. But I love it for personal reasons :)

February 25th, 2011
it was really tough to choose between two of them, but i went with this one:

February 25th, 2011
February 25th, 2011

Taken yesterday on the 24th. Probably my favourite of my project i just want to go swimming in my eyes :)
February 25th, 2011
mine is this one. it's not a very "good" picture but it makes me smile when i look at it

February 25th, 2011
This one is my favourite :)
February 25th, 2011
My favorite of the week would be this one....Inspired by the movie Black Swan, which I had watched the night before... although the black straps in the refection are driving me nuts!!

February 26th, 2011
Hard to choose this week, but this one:

February 26th, 2011
February 26th, 2011
February 26th, 2011

I have several favorite shots, but this one wins hands down. It's an older shot, with new edits.
February 26th, 2011
this is mine
February 26th, 2011
going with this, was happy with my near bokeh effect with my point & shoot.
February 26th, 2011
@wrighty Love the photo of Wall-E!

This is my fav for the week.

Taken today actually.

February 26th, 2011

This one is mine. Love my little man
February 26th, 2011
This is today's. I just think it's funny.. love my girl. :)

February 26th, 2011
here's mine... in honour of the CHinese lantern Festival:
February 26th, 2011
I love this one -- playing poker with @atalitude and friends....I was actually just showing her my nifty remote control and had the camera sitting on the table. I framed and focused and shot about 10 in a row.

I guess this is why poker is played on a non-reflective surface....looks like a ton of chips! :D

February 26th, 2011
I love new babies!

February 26th, 2011
This is hard this week! Normally I'm able to pick a photo EASILY as my favorite. But this week is the first time I struggled. I guess this is my fav though....

February 26th, 2011
February 26th, 2011
This is my favorite. Not for any artistic or fundamental photographic quality, but because I was able to capture a fun moment. Seems like my boys never want to cooperate for a photo!
February 26th, 2011
It was hard to choose, I settled on this one because the Ram was in trouble and I was able to help him.
February 26th, 2011
I picked this one as my favorite for the week. It's not a great photo but I just loved the significance of it; two roses for two years.
February 26th, 2011
February 26th, 2011
February 26th, 2011
February 26th, 2011
February 26th, 2011
New puppy = lots of favourites this week, however I love this one for Keiko's expression and because hubby is there as well!
February 26th, 2011
this is mine...i love the eyes and hint of color on the lips:)
February 26th, 2011
February 26th, 2011
February 26th, 2011
February 26th, 2011
February 26th, 2011
February 26th, 2011
I guess this would be mine...
February 26th, 2011
February 26th, 2011
February 26th, 2011
February 26th, 2011
My Fav, for the theme & my least viewed of the week.
February 26th, 2011
Def this one for me. It made the popular page too which I was stoked about! :-)

February 26th, 2011
I had a pretty exciting photo week and it is a bit hard to pick for me but I am sure it will come as no surprise that I would select this one. I did a happy dance as soon as I snapped it and could not be happier:

February 26th, 2011
This was my favorite :)
February 26th, 2011
February 26th, 2011
This is mine:

February 26th, 2011

It's so the opposite of my usual colorful stuff, but I think it's cute.
February 26th, 2011
My little kitty turned one!

February 26th, 2011
February 26th, 2011
I think my best photo was the one for February 25th. However, this is my favorite this week. I have been struggling with getting good orchid photos. I am happy because I felt that I captured the soft essence of these orchid blossoms.

February 26th, 2011
February 26th, 2011
I really enjoyed this week- but I like the latest very well.
February 26th, 2011
February 26th, 2011
February 26th, 2011
February 26th, 2011

My beautiful daughter enjoying herself on my birthday.
February 26th, 2011
My favourite and definitely most successful by a mile!

February 26th, 2011
this took me two days to get the shot I wanted and was a big hit for me! :-)

February 26th, 2011
I got a lucky break that the weather was perfect up in the high desert last Saturday.
February 26th, 2011
Taken on Feb 22nd...SOOC..turned out better then I thought i would :)
February 26th, 2011
February 26th, 2011
February 26th, 2011
Ok, I deleted my original favorite and went with the one I took today:

Had the idea in my head for about a month and today it just fit!
February 26th, 2011
February 26th, 2011
I was so happy with this, and so was her mama :)

February 26th, 2011
I was really happy with the detail in this photo.
February 26th, 2011
February 26th, 2011
February 26th, 2011
February 26th, 2011
February 26th, 2011
This I think
February 26th, 2011
Slim pickings over at my project this week! I chose this one.....I was having a crappy day and this little guy made me smile and still does!
February 26th, 2011
February 26th, 2011
This was my fave of the week!

February 26th, 2011
I'm going to say the one I uploaded last night, for February 20th.

February 26th, 2011
I have had the busiest week and for the first time have a few blank spots that I still have to put pictures in and may have to use a filler or two for but I liked this one taken on the 20th

February 26th, 2011
February 26th, 2011
February 26th, 2011
February 26th, 2011
Not my strongest week... I think this was my favorite:

February 26th, 2011
ugh! not a great week for me picturewise, but I guess if I have to pick one it would be this from the 19th

February 26th, 2011
I just love how this one turned out...
February 26th, 2011
This wasn't my most popular but it warms my heart
February 26th, 2011
this pic was entitled; GREENPEACE...simple yet very symbolic:)

February 26th, 2011
I’m on the fence between two pics. I chose this one, but I have one of my cat getting into the fishbowl that’s a close second.
February 26th, 2011
I've got to go with the swan, taken on the 20th:

February 26th, 2011

I think this one of my dog.
February 26th, 2011
taken the 21st
February 26th, 2011
I haven't uploaded all mine yet, but it has to be this one. :-)
February 26th, 2011
February 26th, 2011
I think this is my best one last week, it's really showing my frustration and emotions. They changed since then, but the picture remnains.
February 26th, 2011
This one because it makes me smile
February 26th, 2011
February 26th, 2011
This shot of our new puppy. :)
February 26th, 2011
February 26th, 2011
I chose this one because I really came up with the idea by myself. I'm so proud of it. (:
February 26th, 2011
February 26th, 2011
probably this guy... taken at night without the flash but using a torch (flashlight) for illumination.

February 26th, 2011
February 26th, 2011
February 26th, 2011
I have a few pictures to choose from, but ended up with this:

February 26th, 2011
February 26th, 2011
February 26th, 2011

February 26th, 2011
February 26th, 2011
This one - sitting above the clouds!
February 26th, 2011
@kasumie13 Lovely - is that quince? Ours is just ready to open.
February 26th, 2011
@karenkool Gorgeous!
February 26th, 2011
This is actually one of my all time favorite photos because the whole process came together so organically and ended up with my husband being moved enough to add a poem about my talent in the comments.

February 26th, 2011

I love that we do these weekly, I just wish I would remember in time, thankfully I did this week.
February 26th, 2011
February 26th, 2011
My fav was on Feb 25th:

February 26th, 2011
February 26th, 2011
My WHOLE week sucked actually :( I think this is the 'best':
February 26th, 2011
February 26th, 2011
This is mine :)
February 26th, 2011
I had a lot of favorites this week, but I guess I have to go with this one. From Feb. 24th

February 27th, 2011
February 27th, 2011
February 27th, 2011
I chose this one as my favorite, from the 21st, because I love all the different textures.

February 27th, 2011
February 27th, 2011
well ive only got one picture from last week so i guess I have to submit that

February 27th, 2011
February 27th, 2011
can i have a 2nd fave from this week? i posted the other before i took this one...but i'm really happy with the way this came out

February 27th, 2011
First decent shot taken with a friends dslr...also first time I'd ever used a dslr!
February 27th, 2011
February 27th, 2011
@dkg That's cheating... just one - dems da rulez! Otherwise we could just post all our photos from the whole week!
February 27th, 2011

February 27th, 2011
This was because of the time spent making Mr. Peanut, and later finding out that he was just the right size for the bike!

February 27th, 2011
This was taken on February 23, at one of my favorite places.
February 27th, 2011

My Still Life is my Fave this week =]
February 27th, 2011
February 27th, 2011
February 27th, 2011
February 27th, 2011
It would be this one even though I stuck it on a random date in my extras :(

February 27th, 2011
@deliriousoul Justin, good choice, this was one of my favs of the week too from you!
February 27th, 2011
I had several that I liked , but I selected

because it's one of my favorite places to eat.
February 27th, 2011
February 27th, 2011
February 27th, 2011
This was my favorite photo this week.
February 27th, 2011
I had a few from the snow storm that turned out well but I think this is my favorite...
February 27th, 2011
This was a great week for me. I was so honored to have two photos on the popular page during the week, and that meant so much to me because there are so many talented people here. I loved this ladybug/ladybird, so she's my favorite for the week.
February 27th, 2011
February 27th, 2011

Sun and goldness :-)
February 27th, 2011
February 27th, 2011
This sight made my day as I walked across campus on the 24th.

February 27th, 2011
February 27th, 2011
Maybe this one

February 27th, 2011
February 27th, 2011
This was for the heart-theme. engagement ring I picked out for my wife. When I saw it I knew it was the right one==========
February 27th, 2011
This is my favorite since it's my adorable grandson.

February 27th, 2011
February 27th, 2011
February 27th, 2011
This is mine:
February 27th, 2011
Mine are these:

February 27th, 2011
My first attempt at low level photography using the screen - I was really happy with this shot! :)

February 27th, 2011
A hard choice this time, there's none that week that I really like... maybe I like this one best (but still not very much, though):
February 27th, 2011

24th Feb :)
February 27th, 2011
This situation is my favorite :)

February 27th, 2011
February 27th, 2011
Feb 21:

February 27th, 2011
Feb. 19th (the photo was taken on the 17th though - What a wonderful day!)
February 27th, 2011

I haven't taken many good ones these last few weeks, but this is my choice for this week.
February 27th, 2011
This one, especially since it is SOOC. I am proud of it:
February 27th, 2011
I hadn't gotten any really good pictures last week...

February 27th, 2011
Taken Feb 25th. My attempt at capturing water droplets.

February 27th, 2011
February 27th, 2011
February 27th, 2011
Even though the focus isn't great this is my favorite because of the adorable subject, my son ♥

February 27th, 2011
February 28th, 2011

February 28th, 2011
Well, I am very new so barely have enough photos within those dates :) and I've definitely taken better photos ..... but I like this one :)

February 28th, 2011

I have no idea how i managed this pic, but it was evil, i hard to turn it into a motivational poster!
February 28th, 2011
going with my nathan :) something magical in this photo & it really inspired me this week :)
February 28th, 2011
I had a bad week.

February 28th, 2011
Kinda like this one from the 24th. :-)
February 28th, 2011
February 28th, 2011
February 28th, 2011
I adore this photo
February 28th, 2011
Feb 19 - The Hadaka Matsuri (Naked Festival) in Okayama, Japan

February 28th, 2011

I was so surprised that I was able to get this shot, so it is my favorite for the week.
February 28th, 2011
February 28th, 2011
February 28th, 2011
February 28th, 2011
February 28th, 2011
Easy choice for me, most of my photos are pretty boring :P

February 28th, 2011
March 2nd, 2011

This chubby little guy just made me laugh.
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