Your Top Rated Photo

December 22nd, 2011
I posted this thread awhile back and it was interesting to see what the stats say your top-rated photo is. Thought I'd post it again to see if another shot has knocked your last one out of the Top Spot. Mine are still the same, although I have plenty of shots with more fav's, views and comments than my number one photo (A Room With A View). I'm going to post my number 2 shot, since the first one is still the same as last time.
Ace members can just go to the stats page on your newsfeeds for this information. Non-ace members, just post your most viewed or fav'd!! Hit me with your best shot:)
Here's my Number 2 shot, which I've actually had printed onto canvas as Christmas gifts for a few friends, and it looks marvelous!
December 22nd, 2011

My top 2 keep swapping on a weekly basis! I'm not sure what I have to do to surpass them now!!
December 22nd, 2011
I don't remember which one was mine the last go-around - interestingly enough, now it is this one:

December 22nd, 2011
This one from 6th November
December 22nd, 2011
December 22nd, 2011
my top 9 hasn't changed in my #1 is still

and my #10 keeps switching between the same 2's weird...both of which i'm surprised are in the top 10 at all
December 22nd, 2011

December 22nd, 2011
For a very long time, my top photo was "Caution?" It has been replaced by a newer one

December 22nd, 2011
This is still my top rated
December 22nd, 2011

Mine has changed since the ast discussion :)
December 22nd, 2011
@sparkle...because you are so DAMN talented girl!!!!
December 22nd, 2011

Mine changed =)

And for some odd reason, the picture of my daughter for the heroes theme that has the views/favs to be in the top ten, is no where on the top ten. Very odd. hehe
December 22nd, 2011
For almost all of 2011, my top rated was one I took in January. Mr. Moo changed that a few weeks ago.

December 22nd, 2011
Thanks for starting this discussion, Paula, because I never look at my stats and was really chuffed to see my Stripes shot at the number 1 spot!
December 22nd, 2011
mine says that this one is:

though this one has more views, comments and fav's (and yet it shows up #4 on the list):

I don't understand
December 22nd, 2011
@annaruth I know - I have loads that have waaay more views, comments and fav's then my current Top 10 - but mine hasn't changed in ages!
December 22nd, 2011

i LOVE yours, Paula!!
December 22nd, 2011
It's still this one for me. No hambone, yet. :(
December 22nd, 2011
This is my #1 by a long way :) (25th October)

December 22nd, 2011
My number 2 and 3 keep changing but my number 1 has been the same for most of the year
December 22nd, 2011
This one

December 22nd, 2011
My top rated photo:
December 22nd, 2011
This is my top one with 475 views and 50 favs

My number 4 actually has 521 views and 59 favs
December 22nd, 2011
This is my photo with the most views.... 1029.

December 22nd, 2011
Mine hasn't changed either! So here is number 2.

December 22nd, 2011
Thank youfor this thread Paula, there're few awesome pics there that i've missed and gonna fav :-)

this is my top rate and i'm very happy because it's really one of my fav too!

December 22nd, 2011
Funnily enough I have a new one.. he he
December 22nd, 2011
this is my top photo with 6 favs and 137 views
December 22nd, 2011
This one is but my little "I am not Bokeh" shellfish is catching up! hope everyone has a wonderful Chrissie!

December 22nd, 2011
5 favs and 113 views; really proud because it got in the 5 "finalists" of the recent break the rules challenge and I was amazed to learn that!

December 22nd, 2011
This is my no 1 rated, but again has less views and favs than others in the top 10
December 22nd, 2011
This is mine...
December 22nd, 2011
My number 1 is STILL Emotional Twins from August (the silhouette of my kids by the lake). My number two flip flops each day between these two:

Sorry, Paula, I did not follow your directions, can you forgive me? :-)
December 22nd, 2011
I'll never understand how the ratings work because I have pics with more views, comment and favs with better ratios - nevertheless this one is my current top rated:

December 22nd, 2011
This one
December 22nd, 2011
Mine did not change. I am posting my #2 because is has more views/comments/fav's than my #1.

My #3 changed to this:

December 22nd, 2011
@cfitzgerald ha ha, I did not follow directions either!
December 22nd, 2011
Mine is a very new shot
December 22nd, 2011
this is my number 2... much prefer this to the number 1 rated pic..

December 22nd, 2011
Mines still the same as it was...although I know I've taken far better photos than this..I blame myself! Lack of comments on others has had a serious effect on the views I get on mine.

December 22nd, 2011
My no 1 forever,not most faved or viewed?
December 22nd, 2011
This one quite a recent shot!
A favourite place of mine and my lovely daughter!
December 22nd, 2011
Well this one is actually my most viewed and fav'd, but not even in my Top 10!
December 22nd, 2011
This is my top rated photo since April when it was taken but I don't recall posting on a thread like this before.
December 23rd, 2011

December 23rd, 2011
This is my most viewed and fav'd photo, but according to my stats it's my #3 rated photo.

December 23rd, 2011
Mine have changed a bit recently., still some of the order doesn't make sense but this is my top rated at the moment.

December 23rd, 2011
@pwallis I love this shot of yours! I'm glad you reposted it.
December 23rd, 2011
I just got an Ace account a few weeks ago and have enjoyed watching my top rated photos change. I only took this one last week, but it absolutely has the most favs and comments and about the same number of views as my most viewed.
December 23rd, 2011
Seems to be this one, which is quite old
December 23rd, 2011
Still top rated! I can't seemto beat myself :)

December 23rd, 2011
Almost didn't take it because of the cloud and I think that is what helped put it on the PP!
December 23rd, 2011
December 23rd, 2011
December 23rd, 2011
According to the stats this is my number one with 26 favs

But this one has 37 favs but it is no.2. Not sure why that is?
December 23rd, 2011
this is my top shot

December 23rd, 2011
This is my No. 1 one.
December 23rd, 2011
I think this is my No. 1
December 23rd, 2011
December 23rd, 2011
December 23rd, 2011
this photo has the most views:

but this one has the most favs:
December 23rd, 2011
According to my stats page this is my top photo, but I sure don't know how that is figured because I have other with more views and/or comments and/or faves...
December 23rd, 2011
Alvin is still the star of my number one...

This thread has brought together some amazing shots!
December 23rd, 2011
The only one to make it to the popular page!
December 23rd, 2011
Hey I'm not an ace member but I reckon if I was, then this frog on a tomato would be up there in regards to what do youse call it? "Top Rated"???


December 23rd, 2011
I don't remember which one was the last one but there is usually not much change in the upper areas. Here's my top rated photo:
December 23rd, 2011
My number one hasn't changed since last time so I have also decided to post my number two -

December 23rd, 2011
This is my most popular shot, although i have not really posted for close to 6 months...
December 23rd, 2011
Mine's changed. I don't know why though, as there are photos with more views, faves and comments in my list.

December 23rd, 2011
From two days ago:

December 23rd, 2011

December 23rd, 2011
@pwallis I never check my stats so thanks for your idea, Paula :)

December 23rd, 2011

most views.
December 23rd, 2011
My top rated photo has been there for several months ever since I took it on October 3rd. This one a month ago has been slowly creeping up and is now my second rated shot.

December 23rd, 2011
this one for sure:)
December 23rd, 2011
December 23rd, 2011
This one is listed in my stats as my #1 photo, but doesn't have the most views, comments, or FAVs! Go figure--must be a time thing!? Or just a crap shoot! :-)
December 23rd, 2011
This was one of my first pictures, I need to try it again now that I am using a D40, not a droid.
December 23rd, 2011
December 23rd, 2011
This is still my most popular picture that I took in the first month of my project:
December 23rd, 2011
My recent 'The Wav'e one is still my highest - but this one from way back in March got a lot of attention too.

December 23rd, 2011
Yes mine has changed from the selfie with a rainbow on my face to this one with bokeh (:-P) bubbles coming out of my mouth LOL
December 23rd, 2011

i dont think mine has changed since last time! the one before that is now second and still my favourite :)
December 24th, 2011
December 24th, 2011
December 24th, 2011
December 24th, 2011
An older shot
December 24th, 2011
December 24th, 2011
My top rated photo hasn't changed for months, but it is one of my favorites this year.

December 24th, 2011
This one from 12.15
December 24th, 2011
Pretty Star

December 24th, 2011
as long as i take pictures i dont think i will ever get another one like this

December 24th, 2011
I don't know why this one has been viewed so many times.....It's not really a great photo if i say so myself
December 24th, 2011

Not sure why, it doesn't have the most favs or views...but then its taken me awhile to figure this whole site out :)
December 24th, 2011

Number one in my stats, but I think that the one below fared better and is not in my list at all. ;-)

What're you gonna do, right? :-)
December 24th, 2011
December 24th, 2011

Most fav'd
December 24th, 2011
Dang some amazing stuff here!
December 24th, 2011
My number one from way back...

December 24th, 2011
Wow! What an amazing and talented community we have here!
This is actually my number 2, but it swaps with no1 very often.

December 24th, 2011
I think this has been my top rated photo for a while. I just love my little guy!
December 25th, 2011
My all time top picture has a full 30 views.

December 25th, 2011
December 25th, 2011

December 25th, 2011
December 25th, 2011
Hmmm, never looked at this before, and don't understand how it got there...#2 has 600 more views and about 50 more likes! But I'll go by rating...
December 25th, 2011
This is my top rated photo now...

but not long ago, it was this one forever...

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