Testimonials (Please)

December 27th, 2011
Hi Guys,

I'd like to add a few testimonials to the 365project.org home page to encourage people to sign up to the site. The current home page hasn't changed much lately and I feel it could be doing a better job of explaining what we do around here.

I was wondering if any nice people would consider writing a short (20-40 words) testimonial about the site and how you find it.

Things to think about...
- How has the site helped you creatively?
- How the discussions help you with problems
- Weekly themes, do they encourage you?
- Browse / Popular pages, are they good for finding new talent?

Obviously anything else you find great about the site would be nice to hear about too.

The chosen testimonials will be public and I'd like to link back to the account of the person who makes the comment (so everything looks genuine), so if you do choose to post here, that's what will be happening.

Thanks again guys!
December 27th, 2011
Brilliant idea Ross, we use testimonals in my job extensively. I need to go and have a think, but I'll be back with something :)
December 27th, 2011
I don't think its possible to do it in 20 - 40 words :-)
December 27th, 2011
@kjarn I was just having a go and was thinking the same! Need at least 100 lol
December 27th, 2011
@looseimages I've given it several goes and have now given up because I can't do it in as few words as Ross wants unfortunately.
December 27th, 2011
The 365 Project has been great! My photography has improved through taking a photo a day. The community of 365 is a constant encouragement. The community discussions will answer any question I’ve ever had, even some I hadn’t thought of.

(40 Words)
December 27th, 2011
@kjarn could you split it up into a few different points? It doesn't matter if it's a little over.
December 27th, 2011
20-40 words is very hard.

All I can come up with (and it's very naff!) is this:

Need 365 excuses to take a photo? Well there is only ONE place to visit!! It also has magic monkeys. What more do you need to know?
December 27th, 2011
Quite simply, the best place on the internet!
December 27th, 2011
@herussell @rich57 awesome, thanks!
December 27th, 2011
365 has helped me look at the world differently, finding photos in places I never imagined. I've expanded my comfort zone, trying new subjects and techniques thanks to the support and encouragement of the wonderful 365 community, and I've made some great friends!
December 27th, 2011
The best place on the Internet. Full of inspiration, great pictures and a wonderful community!

Slightly longer attempt!
December 27th, 2011
365 has given me new eyes. Now I see the world differently. I find beauty in the ordinary. I discover new landscapes because I'm always seeking them. I find the courage to be more creative and explore my world through the lens of my camera.
December 27th, 2011
thats funny, just came across this when writing thing i love about 365 on 2 t-shirts (with proper t-shirt pens) might take photos of myself wearing them later
December 27th, 2011
365 is amazing, i love it because it has given me an eye for photography which apparently i am quite good at.
365 is the best online community ever.

(28 words)
December 27th, 2011
365 has helped me learn more about photography than any other site I've used. I've tried things I didn't know existed, made wonderful friends and am seeing the world in a totally different way. THE best place to be if you love photography (at any level).
December 27th, 2011
Never imagined how 365project.org would not only improve my photography, but introduce me to a great community of likeminded people all around the world - so good I'll be starting/I started [delete as appropriate] my third 365project in January 2012.
December 27th, 2011
Since joining 365 I've taken some great photos (and some not so great!), met lots of new friends & joined the friendliest community on the net.
December 27th, 2011
365 has helped me see the world in a new light. The community along with the weekly themes and popular page help to keep me motivated and inspired. Not only has this project dramatically improved my photography skills, it has also helped me form valuable friendships with people from all over the world.

This is 53 words, I don't know if anyone has magical word-cutting-down abilities?
December 27th, 2011
The 365 project encouraged me to buy a DSLR, join an evening college course and improve my photography skills vastly. Not forgetting the great community and support it has to offer.

Why do you need to read any more testimonials? Just sign up and start!

December 27th, 2011
The 365 website has given me the opportunity to see other's lives through their pictures, from South Africa to down the street from my house. I've become a better photographer thanks to the information on this website.

(37 words)
December 27th, 2011
Nothing has improved my creative eye more than 365Project! Excellent, supportive community and fun to boot!
December 27th, 2011
365 has helped me learn, explore and discovery the skill of photography. It has also allowed me to see daily life from around the world that I would never be able to see normally.

(34 words)
December 27th, 2011
The most supportive and helpful photography website i have found
December 27th, 2011
I have found encouragement and tons of ideas to help me discover my creative side. It's been a great site to learn everything about photography while giving me a place to share my work and build strong community friendships.
December 27th, 2011
You learn something new about photography every day on 365 Project! I love being here. Great photos, amazing community. I'm a happy addict.
December 27th, 2011
365 has not only developed my photography skills, it has given me a purpose when all I wanted to do was hide under the duvet! Thanks to this site my photography is now much more than 365 photos - it's a way of life.

(43 words.)
December 27th, 2011
a truely inspirational site full of helpful friendly and encouraging members a real must for anyone with an interest in photography whether they are life long photographers or just starting out be warned though it can be very addictive.
December 27th, 2011
I check in with my 365 friends before I check Facebook. I am on year 2 of my project now, and have grown exponentially in my creativity and technical skills through the critique, friendship, and support of 365 members.
December 27th, 2011
The 365 journey changed my life. While taking a photo a day, I learned about photography & found inspiration from others around the world. When hitting a road block, my virtual friends, themes & competitions gave me inspiration to move forward.
December 27th, 2011
Thanks guys, these are amazing! So great to hear how this site is helping people out.
December 27th, 2011
Testimonial: As a professional travel photographer, the 365 Project helped me better understand what kinds of photos people enjoyed most and what they wanted to see more often.

Also: I'm currently writing a book "How to Shoot 365 Photos in a Year" that will be published at the end of this week. I include lots of information in the book about the 365 Project being a place for people to start their own photo-a-day project.

And finally, I'm also writing a guide "The Ups, Downs, Ins, Outs, Twists, and Fun of the 365 Project" that I think I'm just gonna make available for free. It'll be about a 20 page guide to everything about the site to help new members understand how everything works.

Yeah...too much free time on my hands lately.
December 27th, 2011
365 started as a discipline to use the equipment I'd been given. It progressed to a place of inspiration and learning, and has become a journey that could last a lifetime.
December 27th, 2011
Okay, here goes.

For me this project is not just about snapping a photo a day. It is making connections, and learning new techniques and styles. I have gained the courage to try new types of photos. Users have the opportunity to ask questions, follow and learn from great photographers, and have a great support network. I am excited to start Year Two already.

Also if there is space I would like to add.

I have had the opportunity to meet new photography friends both in my area and from across the world. I always try to meet up with a fellow 365'er when traveling to new places.
December 27th, 2011
The 365 Project has been the absolute best thing I have done for my photography skills! The website is very user-friendly, the community is incredibly supportive and knowledgeable, and the inspiration is endless! One of the BEST websites on the internet!!

(Ross, there is SO much to be said about 365, it's hard to be short! Thank you, thank you for such an amazing experience!!!)
December 27th, 2011
The skills I have developed come second only to the fun I have had with 365 Project. I have gained friendships I will have for a lifetime and have developed skills that will hopefully help translate into a brighter future in photography.
December 27th, 2011
@melissapike Melissa....Yours is great and gets to the same points I'd make. Good job!
December 27th, 2011
@mackena Marlene...wow. Yours is great too!
December 27th, 2011
After purchasing my first DSLR, I was looking for a community to share my photography, gain feedback and encouragement, and to learn techniques I had never thought of before! This site has done just that a much more over this past year!

Join 365...you will not regret it!
December 27th, 2011
The challenge of taking a photo a day, ensures that a camera is nearly always with me.

On a day when absolutely nothing appears to be happening, the project encourage you to become more creative with what is available.

You don't need a DSLR. Be encouraged and amazed at the stunning photographs others are producing on simple cameras. You will then probably go on and buy a DSLR anyway!!!

After a week or so, all the expressions of amazement, or delight or total amusement you used previously will be replaced by "365!!!"
December 27th, 2011
The 365 Project is a must for any photographer looking to improve their skills. Not only will you be inspired by others on a daily basis but their input and support pushes you to new levels that you didn't know existed.
December 27th, 2011
this project has been amazing...it brought me back to the love of photography and has been a major factor in creating a children's photography business. The encouragement of the participants, the feedback and the opportunity to expand your creativity through themes and various challenges has been better than any class you can take. I would recommend this site to any photographer, mom-tog or hobbist....it is fabulous:)
December 27th, 2011
Highly recommended, positive, fun and truly inspirational photographic site. From amateurs to professionals - it's a site for everyone who enjoys or has a passion for photography. Totally interactive. I can't imagine life without it ;)
December 27th, 2011
i think all of the above have summed it up, but I wanted to add a thanks to you Ross! I can't tell you how much I am enjoying this project! I've learned so much about photography and it has opened my eyes to the world around me. Plus, I've met some of the nicest folks from all over the world!!! Whoop for 365!
December 27th, 2011
I love that this project includes people of all skill levels, from all walks of life, from all over the world, and with all types of photography equipment from a cell phone camera to the most sophisticated, Everyone fits in on 365! The project has given me inspiration, encouragement, and lots of fun! Sometimes my photos reflect something happening in my life on that particular day, others just are experiments of my skills, and some are serious, some are just for fun. It's all here on 365.
December 27th, 2011
365 Project has increased my appreciation for the world around us --- both the world of interesting things that may be photographed and also, things that are less tangible, like the friendship, experiences and knowledge of fellow 365'ers.
December 27th, 2011
Being a creative mom of a little one, I am very limited in what type of art I can do at this time in my life. Participating in the 365 project not only gives me an outlet for art and creativity everyday, it challenges me, encourages me, and teaches me day by day as I grow as an artist, photographer, and mom.
December 27th, 2011
365 has taught me so much about photography and processing, it's not just a way of learning more, but a supportive community too.

23 words
December 27th, 2011
365 means having friends from all over the world who are interested in photography just like you! You can get feedback on your work, comment on other people's work and discuss new techniques.

Taking a photo a day has an incredible effect on your work... Believe it!
December 27th, 2011
Being able to take part in discussions with such a talented community of photographers is beyond helpful. I am ten times the photographer now that I was when I started my project, and I owe that, totally, to 365project.org!

39 words. :) I'll be happy to provide any other testimonials, as well. I love this site like whoa. :)
December 27th, 2011
The 365 Project has invigorated my love of photography through shared insights from the generous participating community of amateurs and professionals sharing images, views, tips and feedback from around our world.
December 27th, 2011
365 has given me a third eye. From as early as my first week onwards, I've been seeing the world differently. It's actually a much nicer world now!
December 27th, 2011
Photography has been a part of me as long as I can remember but life would get in the way, this amazing project has bought it back to my life everyday... the community and support is amazing. Thank you
December 27th, 2011
The 365 Project has enriched my life immensely! It's a wonderful community of photographers around the world sharing their pics, skills, and love for photography. I'll be completing my project in a few days. I'll be continuing for a second year. I still have so much to learn from my awesome 365 friends!
December 27th, 2011
365 has provided me with the opportunity to "meet" people from all over the world with all different levels of skills and interests and therefore has broadened my knowledge of not only photography but of other cultures as well. I wouldn't trade my experience or friendships from this community for anything in the world!
December 27th, 2011
If you'd have asked me a year ago if I had time to devote to a 365 project and take it seriously i'd have said NO! 365 has become an integral part of my everyday life. Never without a camera, I look at the world around me with completely new eyes, take time to stop and look, go out of my way to explore places I never knew existed and to top it all have made some excellent friends from all over the world (and not all of them are virtual!). Happily embarking on my second year my photography and editing skills going fomr strength to strength.

Not exactly 40 words but hey-ho!
December 27th, 2011
A year ago I'd have said I didn't have time for 365; now I don't have time to do without the support of this on line community.
December 28th, 2011
365 has helped me so much! I joined to help learn my new camera. I had no idea that this was going to be such a journey! I've seen the world through other peoples eyes, learned tips and techniques I'd never have thought I was capable of and have made some friends along the way! I'm in for a second year...most definitely :)
December 28th, 2011
I heard about this project through a photography class that I took. I decided to join in this month, and it has been nothing but fun. It has given me more motivation to pick up my camera everyday and try something new. The people on this project are nothing short of encouraging and willing to help! This project is making me feel more and more in touch with my photography skills.
December 28th, 2011
The 365 Project has enriched my life through personal growth. User friendly, great format and it doesn't matter if you have an iPhone or DSLR - it's a community that will support, encourage and challenge you as it has me.
December 28th, 2011
I reluctantly visited and signed up to join the project a year and a half ago after being invited by a friend, and it almost instantly became a favorite, and fascinating place to share in the wonderful world of photography through discussion threads and weekly themes. Not only does it provide the opportunity to learn from others, but you also have the opportunity to meet some awesome people here. It is a special place, and I see it as something far more than just a photgraphy project.
December 28th, 2011
I first signed up to 365 because I had bought myself a new (and expensive) digital SLR camera and knew that if I didn't force myself to attempt to use it everyday, it would sit and collect dust!

I had no idea that my photography skills would flourish as much as they have, and that the community would be so supportive and such a source of inspiration. :) I've now been here for a more than year and a half and don't plan on leaving anytime soon. :)
December 28th, 2011
365 Project is many things to many people but for me it is a guarantee that I will take time out of each day to do something for me that makes me happy even if for a few minutes. As an added benefit I have made many amazing friends, have grown tremendously in my ability and see the world differently as I get outside and explore with my camera. What will you get out of it? The only way to know is to do it!
December 28th, 2011
I never found a website that fed my creative energy until I stumbled on 365 Project over a year ago! The support is unbelievable and I couldn't imagine attempting a yearly photography project without this website to push me along each day!
December 28th, 2011
The 365 project is for young, budding photographers, advanced amateurs and professionals all alike. To say that one becomes a better photographer by the end of the challenge is an understatement; new techniques, better images, genuine friendships and a documentation of the year is what the 365 project provides for you. All you have to do is pick up your camera and let loose.
December 28th, 2011
"365 Project. 365 Photos. 365 Days. 365 memories."
December 28th, 2011
Inspiration, community, growth as a person and a photographer. 365 has taught me to slow down and really LOOK at what's around me.
December 28th, 2011
365? Supportive, inspirational, fun, feel-good, life changing, emotional, helpful, encouraging. For me 365 isn't enough and on January 1st I'll be embarking on 365 take 2 ;o)
December 28th, 2011
Having lived in London for 39 years, I have seen more and discovered places there I never knew existed and that is all down to 365.
December 28th, 2011
For me 365 has been about the journey rather than the destination and I will be continuing that journey for year 2. The community and discussions are a hugely supportive resource and I enjoy the weekly themes alot.
December 28th, 2011
really like the new home page.
December 28th, 2011
365 is more than a photography project, it is a place where you make new friends, see amazing photos and learn a few tips and tricks along the way. It is my home away from home and I am thoroughly enjoying this journey.
December 28th, 2011
At the prompting of a friend, I joined 365 about a year ago. It has sparked my creativity and sharpened by photography skills. This supportive community has offered encouraging feedback and has opened up a world of photographic talent. Members of this project are very resourceful. Every day I look forward to a journey through various parts of the world through another member's lens.
December 28th, 2011
Anyone and everyone can and should start a 365 photo project on 365project.org because you will:
- improve your photography skills (beginners & pros alike),
- evolve to include a wider variety of techniques and subject matter,
- interact with people from around the world; commenting on photos, learning techniques, and sharing a bit (or a lot) of your lives with each other,
- compete, should you choose to, in the weekly theme competitions (prize: the glory of the win!),
- organise your photos by date using the site's convenient calendar display, adding some commentary so that you'll never forget the context of that day's photo,

Additionally (more words) ...

Not sure you have the time for a 365 project? It's as easy as snapping a photo of what you're eating for lunch that day. As simple as pulling out your cell phone and snapping a quick shot of a friend or colleague.

For some of us it's way of documenting our year; the events, the people, the moments. For others it's a way of honing their skills and displaying their best work.

You can start any day of the year, so why not start one today?
December 28th, 2011
I'd never have guessed the whim that led me to take the first photo for my 365 page would have taken me on such a wonderful journey. I would never have imagined that within a couple of weeks I'd start wanting to learn about processing for better and artistic effects, within a few months I'd be matting/framing and showing some of my work, I'd enjoy giving my photos as gifts and friends would want to buy some, and I'd have committed to a little show for a month in the spring in a local restaurant. These are some of the ways the inspiration of 365 has affected me - I'm touched by what I see and learn of how it has affected others. I feel attached to the people I've come to know here and deeply inspired by their projects. Thank you Ross and all the participants for making 365 such a real and every day part of our lives.
December 28th, 2011
Well Ross you certainly got to feel good about all these comments from the folks out there. Ok here is my two-cents:

I joined 365 not really knowing what it was about. However in a short time I discovered that this unique combination of photo club and social network has the amazing ability to connect people from all over the world, from all walks of life, who share a common love of photography. From this experience I have made many supportive friends who have taught me a great deal about photography, as well as, opening my eyes to new ways of looking at the world around me - and for that I am grateful and enriched!

December 28th, 2011
Participating in this project forces me to slow down and observe the world around me. This project is FUN!
December 28th, 2011
The 365 project has welcomed me like a family and I've made many friends over the last 12 months. The project has changed the way I look at the world around me - I notice the little details more and watch the world more closely. The popular page and the discussions have encouraged me to learn new techniques all the time and to improve my photography noticeably. But most of all, it's fun to be here and thank you for all that, Ross!
December 28th, 2011
I came, I saw, I 365'd....

Hmmm Pretty lame but as I work in comms and I'm on 2 weeks leave, you can forgive me right?? :-)
December 29th, 2011
This site is way more than just photo sharing. It is a community of supportive, like minded individuals that are all passionate about photography. The site contains many fantastic features like discussion groups, weekly themes and the ability to browse photos that have been recently popular or those posted by new members. The discussion groups and themes really help to keep you motivated and the browsing functionality lets you see and be seen. If it was not for this community, there is no way that my 365 project would be successful.
December 29th, 2011
Before starting 365 project photography was but a simple pleasure for me. In the last 365 days, I've become inspired, dreamed big and started accomplishing dreams I didn't know I had. The support is amazing, the inspiration is unbelievable, and the experience is priceless. Will I do it again? In a heartbeat.
December 29th, 2011
Belonging to this 365 community has brought inspiration and ingenuity to my photography. No question there. But it is the 365 community of wonderful people who just love taking photos that have blessed me so much and keep me coming back every year.
December 29th, 2011
I have been a part of the 365 community just over a year now and it has been such an honor. Through the encouragement of the community, my esteem has risen and the quality and creativity of my photographs have improved as well. I enjoy the articles and tutorials that can be found in the discussion boards. And the themes and competitions really help with getting my creativity blood flowing.
December 29th, 2011
I love 365! After starting my project on Facebook I found I never really improved my photo style as it was just my friends saying "thats nice". I had a bit of a breakdown and came off Facebook and onto 365 and I have to say it really gave me focus in my life as well as through my photos. The community is inspiring, encouraging and friendly and you build friendships through here, as well as confidence through your own photos. I rave about this site to anyone and everyone, the more you put in, the more you get out. Give only got 3 days of my 2011 365 left, but I am coming back next year. The feeling of having completed this over a year is amazing. It is the best new years resolution I've ever made and the only one I've ever kept. Thank you for this site and how much it means to its users.
December 29th, 2011
The 365 Project is more than just taking a picture every day. I’ve learned more, loved more, and lived more….one day at a time…525,600 minutes…31,536,000 seconds...and to me that makes all the difference.

Thank you, Ross, for your inspiration and support for this wonderful project.
December 29th, 2011
365 Project has opened up the world for me; I thought it was JUST about digital photography but instead each morning I share a slice of my life and get a glimpe of thiers' when I view the outstanding photos that are posted.; with the support of this community of kind people, I have learned so much and look forward to logging on each day.
December 29th, 2011
This project has literally changed my life. I find myself going on walks in different neighborhoods or looking at ordinary objects to find my daily submission. I've "met" and had conversations with people from all over the word and have enjoyed old pictures from my old neighborhood where I grew up to places on the other side of the planet. I am inspired by weekly themes and see them as "assignments" but I don't always do them. I'd like to see that continue as a new way to stretch our creative muscles. I haven't had a problem to "solve" here but I have received advice when I bounced my camera on the cement as to which cameras are best in my price range. This site allows us all to see different parts of the world and show off ours and I hope you are as proud of it as I think most of us are of you for coming up with it. Thanks, BJ
December 29th, 2011
I love 365; it's given me a whole new OUT-look on life, instead of the IN-look I'd developed before. The world suddenly becomes a much more beautiful and interesting place when you're looking for a shot for each day. And it's fascinating to share, and see other people's views on their worlds and lives, too.
December 29th, 2011
I'm addicted to 365. I've met friends, improved my photographs and about to begin a third year! I love it!
December 29th, 2011
wow, you've outdone yourself guys, thanks so much for these, I'll keep coming back here and using them, this is really helpful, and means a lot to hear so many people coming forward to say great things about the site! thanks again.
December 29th, 2011
@Scrivna Here's my thoughts as a new member---

1. The site has far more interaction than most photo sharing sites like Flickr - the community is friendly and easy to navigate.

2. The site has notifications, something Flickr lacks, which is sad!

3. The themes help you get creative with your project.
December 29th, 2011
365 is a photography Facebook...only better!!! I love it and am so happy I started my project at the end of last summer! The people here are amazing and truly inspiring!
December 30th, 2011
365 has changed my life! I found it via a friend's FB wall and had NO IDEA what I was letting myself in for! but I've gained the following plus more:
*VASTLY improved photography skills
*groovy new friends from around the world
*fun at in-person 365 meet ups with other 365ers
*a new career (yep, 365 has had such a profound impact on me, that I am now studying photography full time and plan to work in fashion after that)
* free advice on photography and great photo ideas
* challenging theme competitions that improve my imagination and artistry
* the courage to bare myself both physically and metaphorically through my photos
* an amazing daily cheer squad of supportive e-friends!
* a positive new addiction!
* a beautiful visual diary of my life and travels
* free advice from amateur and professional photographers alike

More than 40 words I know, but feel free to edit! I'd also be more than happy to do a Skype interview or submit a video testimonial if that might be helpful to you! 365 rocks my world!! :-)
December 30th, 2011
I started 365 merely as a way to try to push my self into working daily on my eye & technique but what i found here was so much more. This site has given me ideas, information, connections....it has given me knowledge & access to so much more information than I ever thought possible. It is a community & a world unto itself/ I am so amazed by the talent & feed back here. It keeps me on track & has taught me so much. EVERYONE should try it.
December 30th, 2011
The 365 project is an amazing undertaking, helped enormously by this website. Inspiration, encouragement, friendship, tips and tricks, critiques and comments - it's safe to say this community has kept me aiming high as well as providing some fantastic ideas.

(39 words)
December 30th, 2011
Thanks Ross.

365 Gives me Enthusiasm,Encouragement,Expertise.
Fellowship, Friendship
Armchair travel round the world.
Practical tips.
Gained a hobby , new camera , confidence, new friends
from editing ignorance to Picasa, and Photoshop Elements.
December 30th, 2011

I have just completed my 365 project and wanted to thank you for hosting such a great site. You should publicise it more in photography magazines and the like.
''365 takes you out of your comfort zone and challenges you to make the most of whatever conditions the day throws at you. You cannot plan. I rarely ended the day with the shot I had in mind the night before.''
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