world Wide Minute 2022---SO SOON

March 11th, 2022
Hello Lovely 365'ers!

I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy during these still crazy times. March is FLYING BY and you know what that means.....WORLD WIDE MINUTE 2022

This "challenge" was originally presented to 365 by the lovely @westcoastwallis who still runs the event over on Facebook. If you have Facebook you can follow the event here: If not, NO WORRIES, you can participate and post your photo here on 365 as well.

So what is World Wide Minute? Simple: Stop what you're doing on March 15th, 2022, at 5:47pm in YOUR TIME ZONE take a look around you, and take a photo of what you see! Then, upload your photo to the EVENT PAGE (which I've already linked above for Facebook, if you're not using Facebook, then upload to your profile here on 365 with the following information:
*Your name
*Your country
*Your town, city, or ville (optional)
*A little information about the
photograph you're sharing (optional)
This year's hashtag is #wwm2022

*EDIT AS I MISSED THE THEME:*This year's theme is: A Love Letter to Ukraine
I normally don't like to get political with this platform. But this transcends politics, I believe. This is about humanity. And what is happening there has nothing to do with "politics".
Watching what is happening in Ukraine is unbearable, to say the very least. I would love to show our support for the people of Ukraine with our minute, this year.
How this may look to you is entirely up to you! You can share sunflower photos, pics of your favourite Ukranian meal, a portrait of your favourite Ukranian person, a photo of the Ukranian flag, you name it! This year, I'll make a special exception to the "rules" and, if you have some photos taken during time spent in Ukraine in the past that you'd like to share, please do! We'd love to see them.
Let's send all our love, in photos, to the good people of Ukraine

1 - Is it only 5:47pm Vancouver time?
- No, it is 5:47pm in whatever time zone you happen to exist in at that moment.
2 - Do I have to post the photo at 5:47 pm as well?
- No, just take the photo and post it when you get the chance!
3 - Where do I post the photo?
- Please post your photo on the event wall.
4 - Can I post a REALLY good photo that I took at a completely different time?
- You are completely on your honour here, but no, the photo must be taken at 5:47pm, in order to "share" a moment with the world.
5 - Can I invite friends? Or share the event?
- Yes! Please do! The more the merrier!
6 - Is there any way you can organize the photos so that they're easier to look through afterwards?
- Unfortunately not, I have tried a few different methods in other groups and this seems to be the best way. It can be a bit of a pain to scroll through hundreds of photos and conversations afterwards, but I've yet to find a better method.
7 - Can I post ranty political stuff with my photo?
- I mean, it's your minute, you are free to do what you like what that minute. But please consider: this event is all about inclusivity, kindness, and is of a celebratory nature. Any image that is obviously hurtful or goes against these loose guidelines will be removed at the hosts and co-hosts discretion. Having said that - we've NEVER had to do that, so it just confirms my belief that you folks are good folks πŸ™‚
8 - Can I photoshop or touch up my photo?
- Absolutely! It's your moment, do whatever you feel best represents it.
9 - Can you make a slideshow of ALL the photos afterwards?
- Sorry, I just can't. It takes me AGES to make the small slideshow with about 50 select images afterwards. I can't even imagine how long it would take me to do all of them!
10 - How do I increase my odds of getting in the slideshow?
- It's fairly random, but your odds of getting into it are better if you're from a "rare" country (one that doesn't have a lot of participants) or if you stick with the "theme" (to be announced)
11- Is there a theme this year?
- Sort of, but it's optional and yet to be announced.
12 - Do I have to be a photographer to participate?
- Absolutely not!! This event is open to everyone, everywhere.
I think that's it - please let me know if you have any more questions and I'll do my best to answer them! Have fun!!

You can see last year's submissions here:
March 11th, 2022
Blimey where did that year go?? Thanks for the heads up Melissa

Shall I add this to the SH*T Listt???
March 11th, 2022
@mej2011 Hi Melissa. Just wondered if you wanted add this year’s Ukraine theme for those not on FB? πŸ™‚
March 11th, 2022
@nickspicsnz -Thank you! I have edited my post to include the theme.
March 11th, 2022
@30pics4jackiesdiamond -Yes, please add this to the list. Thank you.
March 11th, 2022
@mej2011 added to the list
March 11th, 2022
i was just thinking about this on my walk this afternoon. got a note on my computer screen now. thank you, melissa, for spearheading this, as always.
March 12th, 2022
Regarding using older photos from trips to Ukraine, perhaps people could photograph a selection of these photos, at 5:47 on the day, and meet all requirements? Just a thought.
March 12th, 2022
Thank Paula @westcoastwallis., she messaged me this morning about it, I didn't even remember it was March currently lol
March 12th, 2022
Yep, that should work just fine!
March 12th, 2022
Thanks for posting about this!! Seems like I forget it as often as I remember!
March 12th, 2022
I set a timer on my phone so I don't forget it.
March 12th, 2022
Excellent! I really like the theme too. Its on my calendar
March 16th, 2022
Video is up! Nice work everyone ..quite a hauntingly beautiful video πŸ’™πŸ’›
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