Surface Tension by grammyn

Surface Tension

I saw this spider on top of the water of a pond. I don't think he would have made it out so after the shot I lifted him out. Poor thing.
Wow, he's making dents in the water! Katy is his hero!
March 17th, 2014  
I'm so glad you rescued him. Nice people like you make a difference. It is quite something that he didn't fall in.....
March 17th, 2014  
What a great shot!!! He's having an identity crisis and thinks he's a skipper! Glad you saved him.
March 17th, 2014  
Nice of you to save him.
March 17th, 2014  
Poor thing, so glad you rescued him. Nice find and photo, Katy. Guess your camera is back to being attached to you. I have been rescuing lady bugs from our pool. Have not been able to get a clear shot of one yet though. How big was this spider?
March 17th, 2014  
I am happy you are a rescuer, but... ooh, spiders... for some reason i just cannot deal with spiders! Fabulous find and photo, though! :)
March 17th, 2014  
Can you give me a clue of how you did the standing on the apple thing. I am new and just learning setting so if I can do it, please explain it in terms I will understand. lol.
March 17th, 2014  
March 17th, 2014  
Very sweet of you to notice him and rescue him. Great timing and capture too.
March 17th, 2014  
Awesome shot!!!!
March 17th, 2014  
@miata2u In simplest terms I set an apple on a surface in front of the camera on a tripod. Then I tried to figure out how far back to stand. Set the timer, run to the spot and pose. Mark the spot with a stick. Check the shot. Make adjustments in my position and do it all over again. It took several tries for me to stand in just the right spot that made it look like I was standing on the apple. It is called forced perspective. Ask more if you need to. When you get your shot posted please tag me. I would love to see it.
March 17th, 2014  
love the colour of the pool! st.patrick's day spider?
March 17th, 2014  
Oh, you are such a good person. The spider was very lucky to have found you.
March 17th, 2014  
Oh, good for you for saving him! I'm not partial to spiders but I would've helped him out as well.
March 17th, 2014  
A great capture but I would have had to call someone else to rescue him!
March 17th, 2014  
Noooo waaaay!! That is a BIG spider to be skimming along the top of the water. I took a pic of a similar looking spider last year and when I looked closely I realized it had tons of little baby spiders on its back!!

This is such a great composition! Love your use of negative space!!
March 18th, 2014  
@luvmynynix Thanks for your kind words. He wasn't really very big maybe an inch. This one is like the one you posted I'll bet.
March 18th, 2014  
Good on you Katy! He was lucky you spotted him! The shadow on the water looks good.
March 18th, 2014  
aww...I am glad you saved the wittle bitty spidey! You are a hero! Or a heroine! I love the pic of him floating on the water due to surface tension! Very cool! I will have to show my kids and explain that concept.
March 19th, 2014  
It's very surreal Katy! Spider hero! I had a spider descend from the ceiling (tiny one) as I was in the kitchen. I announced that he had invaded my space and that I would gladly escort him outside this one time, but if he tries to enter my space again, I can't give him another escort, except to the toilet! ha! My kids thought I was so crazy.
March 19th, 2014  
@espyetta Glad to give you a hand with that!
@darylo LOL!
@onie_m I appreciate it, onie!
March 21st, 2014  
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