Oh Pleeeese! by jgpittenger

Oh Pleeeese!

The look on this seal reminds me of cayenne, my beloved dog, when she's begging me to take her on a walk. I don't know how many of you figured out my vampire hands...but they are shots of seal flippers. I was amazed to see how much like fingers they appear.
Thanks for your input on my Halloween shots. I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks also for keeping my lighthouse on the PP. One day you'll see a similar shot with a better sunset!
Very cute. Love his blue eye! Didn't at all work out the vampire hand thing ... it's amazing what can be done through processing.
November 1st, 2013  
Very cute! Great closeup!
November 1st, 2013  
Such a sweet face & amazing blue eyes....not often we get to see a seal so close!
November 1st, 2013  
How lovely - those eyes are adorable
November 1st, 2013  
What a wonderful image - great capture.
November 1st, 2013  
That seal's eye is absolutely captivating! Fav!
November 1st, 2013  
Beautiful image ! I never would have guessed about the flippers ......
November 2nd, 2013  
Great focus on the eyes and whiskers. This has a lot of appeal.
November 2nd, 2013  
Love the eyes
November 2nd, 2013  
November 2nd, 2013  
They are so sweet-faced. Lovely portrait. I will have to search your album for a picture of Cayenne.
November 2nd, 2013  
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