I realized that my original try had sloppy lines in the selection so I started over. I couldn't find my original clouds file so I used a different one and did some other things differently. I'd love your candid thoughts and suggestions, thanks
@jgpittenger just home last night from other side of the continent - sorry for the delay..last downloaded while I was in the airport & will get back with both...
I love the magic of this composite, so what I find 'off' sounds a little ridiculous given that it is magical. But with all the clouds, the moon seems a little too clear so it makes it pop maybe a little too much. I don't know if that makes sense as clearly this is not about realism. I wouldn't change composition at all. I can't really tell what was in the original and which is coming in from the masking so your lines here seem spot on. I'm impressed in fact, with the straight lines and clarity of your objects' edges.
I've got to stop stalling and start watching some videos on all these things you're doing with this photos - it's like a foreign language to me. Just know that I really like this - the tones and clouds and scene itself. Love it. Fav
yes I agree with @taffy & think using a grey cloud brush could 'blend' the edges by softening some of the moon edge, but still keep some sharp edges as contrast - so the moon is literally 'peeking' out from the clouds. composition & placement is lovely - The clouds maybe could have had a some Gaussian blur added, +/or use a second cloud layer on different blend mode, placement & opacity - that gives a 'softer' blending of the light through the clouds. The clouds could extend over the lighthouse a little too as the sky looks pretty cloudy..and there might be some 'moonshadow' on the lighthouse ( if it were a smidge lighter). Compositing is is always so personal though Jane, and the look you are after can be different to my thoughts, and if I looked at this tomorrow or even later this afternoon, I might 'see' or aim for a completely different look! You are doing some really creative & skilful editing.
sky, though I would probably have been a little more traditional and put the moon higher in the sky.