The Introvert by jmdeabreu

The Introvert

Day 280/365 (22Aug2024)
WFH today? More like Wonderfully-Free-From-Humans day! introvert intensifies Ah, the sweet, sweet bliss of solitude. Just me, my thoughts, and a collection of pebbles.
Remember those benches I used to perch on, watching the world go by like a chaotic reality show? Yeah, that's pretty much how it feels inside my head all the time. A constant stream of observations and internal monologues, even when I'm trying to enjoy a stimulating (read: exhausting) social event. It's like my brain is a hyperactive squirrel on caffeine, constantly analysing, dissecting, and overthinking every little thing.
Socialising? It's a performance art, really. I put on my extrovert mask, smile, nod, and engage in small talk like a pro. But inside, I'm counting down the minutes until I can escape back to my glorious solitude. Don't get me wrong, I can be charming and witty when necessary. But let's be real, every interaction drains my social battery faster than a toddler drains a juice box.
That's why I need my alone time. To recharge, to process, to avoid spontaneously combusting from all the people-ing. It's not that I dislike people; they're just... a lot.
And yes, I might need a minute (or five) to respond to your question. It's not that I'm ignoring you; my brain needs to catch up with my mouth. I need to sift through all the possible responses, analyse their potential impact, and select the most appropriate one. Overthinking? No, it's "thorough consideration of all outcomes."
But in all seriousness, being an introvert has its perks. We're observant, introspective, and often possess a wicked sense of humour (if I do say so myself). We appreciate the quiet moments, the subtle beauty of the world, and the deep connections that come from genuine conversations.
So, if you ever see me staring off into space or lost in my own little world, don't worry. I'm just recharging my batteries and contemplating the mysteries of the universe. Or maybe I'm just trying to remember where I put my keys. Either way, it's all part of the wonderful world of being an introvert.
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