Sent on a mission today, A home visit for a potential dog adoptee in Williams, Arizona. The pup is a Great Dane mix and its new family is just so wonderful. I believe that this adoption will be a wonderful one. I also drove into town to see what was happening in Williams, a historic Rt 66 themed town. Not much snow there as Flagstaff.
@byrdlip Thank you so much. I love to watch the railcam sometimes, nice to watch them from inside someplace other than my car.
@samae Thank you a great deal. Williams is a small and quiet town but has lots of character. I don't foster as my HOA (home owner's association) would never approve. I feel very lucky to be able to help dogs on their journey to a forever home by driving. I also love Great Danes, they are just so lovable, big but such sweeties.
@yrhenwr This was right next to the tracks of the Grand Canyon Railroad. Williams is the last town to be by=passed by interstate 40 so it has been fighting to stay relevant to the masses who travel at 75mph. The railroad and RT66 themed culture seem to be working fairly well.
Thank you so very kindly for the fav.
Snow in Arizona! I often forget even though I have driven through it on my way to see my daughter in Tucson. Love the balance and leading lines in this. Wonderful work, placing dogs.... thank you. I try to take a different route every time I drive to southern AZ. Will have to check Williams area out, as I can't remember going through there.
@joysabin I looked at railcam and found about about the Alaska Earthquake from the live chat. Son and family got power back about 11:30pm PST and all is well with them, a little shook up perhaps. They live near Palmer.
@jernst1779 Truly grateful for the fave, thank you so much. @henrir Thank you so much for the fav. @stefneyhart I enjoy being a small part of any pups journey to their forever homes. Northern Arizona gets snow - the valley people come and enjoy themselves a great deal here. Stop in at Williams 30miles west of Flag, a small but very well themed Rt66 town. @byrdlip SO glad to hear that they didn't have too many problems from the shakes. @tstb13 Thank you very much. @jerome truly grateful for the fave, thank you so kindly. @4rky Thank you so much. @gardenfolk You are so kind, truly appreciate the fave. @blueberry1222 I just signed up to help bring this one from Holbrook to Flag on Sunday so, I will get to meet Mazie. Riley is loving the snow. She did find a hole in the fence yesterday so off to Home Depot today. She is doing very well.
December 4th, 2018
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@samae Thank you a great deal. Williams is a small and quiet town but has lots of character. I don't foster as my HOA (home owner's association) would never approve. I feel very lucky to be able to help dogs on their journey to a forever home by driving. I also love Great Danes, they are just so lovable, big but such sweeties.
@yrhenwr This was right next to the tracks of the Grand Canyon Railroad. Williams is the last town to be by=passed by interstate 40 so it has been fighting to stay relevant to the masses who travel at 75mph. The railroad and RT66 themed culture seem to be working fairly well.
Thank you so very kindly for the fav.
love it
@henrir Thank you so much for the fav.
@stefneyhart I enjoy being a small part of any pups journey to their forever homes. Northern Arizona gets snow - the valley people come and enjoy themselves a great deal here. Stop in at Williams 30miles west of Flag, a small but very well themed Rt66 town.
@byrdlip SO glad to hear that they didn't have too many problems from the shakes.
@tstb13 Thank you very much.
@jerome truly grateful for the fave, thank you so kindly.
@4rky Thank you so much.
@gardenfolk You are so kind, truly appreciate the fave.
@blueberry1222 I just signed up to help bring this one from Holbrook to Flag on Sunday so, I will get to meet Mazie. Riley is loving the snow. She did find a hole in the fence yesterday so off to Home Depot today. She is doing very well.