Graceful Still by joysabin

Graceful Still

I am still catching up with my weekly challenge but this is actually the current week's prompt. Okay the image is from 2017. I know that I've probably broken the rules but, piff and double piff!

I had good intentions of going out to find a 'current' tree but the day got away from me. Had tech issues, new things don't fit and aren't compatible with the old things. Tech updates will be the death of my patience someday.
Triple piff great image
October 6th, 2020  
First glance it looks like a place in the clouds.
October 6th, 2020  
@moonbi Thank you so much. I try to exercise tech patience but some times I loose the battle.

@sherimiya IR can really bring out some interesting things.
October 6th, 2020  
Well done.
October 6th, 2020  
Ooo, I do like the edits. Very moody!
October 6th, 2020  
It looks gorgeous. Doesn't matter when the photo was taken its your project. I think I will be posting some old photos while I am limited on time for photography
October 6th, 2020  
Very dramatic! Perfect for halloween!
October 6th, 2020  
October 6th, 2020  
Love the bare tree against that background. FAV
October 6th, 2020  
Great tree in an interesting setting
October 6th, 2020  
I think we are all with you there I would like to know how upgrades make things better???? Love the image and the framing!
October 6th, 2020  
I understand your irritation. I then take my camera and go for a walk. And problems either solve themselves or grow fast.
Great shot and edit.
October 7th, 2020  
Very pretty! Fav.
October 7th, 2020  
Very nice image of a very sculptural tree, and the sky is so powerful. I like the border effect, too.
October 8th, 2020  
beautiful image! love the tree you chose. beautiful meadow
October 8th, 2020  
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