I got my camera equipment back.... all six of my lenses were calibrated and all needed adjustments of varying degrees. I'm hopeful the accuracy of my focus point has been improved but I didn't get any real time to experiment and see the difference today. I walked the beach for 10 minutes and snapped this - rusty bolts get me every time!
Here's some info on calibrating. https://www.slrlounge.com/calibrate-lenses-simple-fix-blurry-images/ I had never heard of it until I joined a couple of FB photo pages and everyone on there is always complaining about the sharpness of their images and calibrating seems to be the first thing that is suggested. I'm glad I did it. It cost $70 to have six lenses worked on.
Great focus and I love the rusty knobs. Thanks so much for sharing the information on calibrating the lenses. I've been complaining about that for a long time so I'm going to check that out.
@skipt07 That was my intent. Now that the lens is calibrated when I pick a specific spot to focus on, it actually focuses there. Before the "dot" and and actual focus were not matching up.
Thanks for the info on calibrating.