Another day and another geocache brought me to this interesting building and clock in the heart of my local towns old area. It know as "The Black Boy School", which was built in 1844 but the clock is even older.
It had been moved here from a watchmaker's shop in the High Street, and in local notes was remembered as being above the shop in the 1790s, but its actual date is unknown.
The black figure, or jack, about two feet high, was described as "turning his head, lifting his club, and striking the hours of day and night as they came round". It started out as an advert for tobacco.
Although the clock was said to be repaired in 2004, it certainly wasn't working when I took this picture at 12.30pm yesterday. The school closed in 1964 and is currently flats
@ladymagpie Shame on them. There is nothing better than church bells peeling, a cuckoo clock sounding and a steam locomotive whistle echoing thru the skyscrapers of a city.
Hickory, dickory, dock.
The mouse ran up the clock.
The clock struck one,
And all the others got away
Changed it a bit.