As I was taking my dog for a walk the old man from no.18 walked past our gate. He asked when I would be harvesting the lemons. In the past I've left boxes of them on the sidewalk for people to take. I told him about my plan this year to invite people to pick their own one Sunday morning. He's in his eighties I would say, and walks slowly using two hiking poles. He wasn't enthusiastic, he looked at the rickety stepladder beside the tree and didn't fancy that. So he found another solution, bribery. He had lots of kiwi fruit, small but ripe, which is when they taste best, he said. So we traded, bag for bag, I'll leave them on his gate later. He'll still turn up for the harvest morning though, he loves lemons, best of all if they are free.
@busylady Several of the ladies who take my lemons make lemon curd and give me a jar. It's thanks to a Liverpudlian expat in the area who sees it has her mission to take lemon curd to the foreign masses. The foreign masses, or French at least, are very happy to be informed.