This is a photo of my Dad & his work mate, taken in the late 1950’s when he first came to Australia – my Dad is on the left & they are having their “smoko” break on the jobsite – they were cement renderers.
I only came by the photo a few years ago, as my Dad had sent it back to his family in Ireland, long before I was even born, and when the last family member still in Ireland passed away, photos etc were forwarded on to us here in Australia, and this is one of the photos. (not sure what the pale green blobby bit is at the top right, looks to be paint or something spilled on the photo, which is a bit of a shame)
My Dad had written on the back of the photo to his family, the following: "My Aussie workmate & I. This is who I bought the camera off. He is a great photographer. No-one took this photo, he set the camera up itself".
So I guess, technically, it is indeed a selfie, even though that term would not have been around back then. I love that they are trying to pretend that they have no idea that their photo is about to be taken, just trying to be as normal as possible while having their “smoko”, but the grin on my Dad’s face, says otherwise -it’s priceless….. and now knowing the background story to the photo, kind of gives it away that he had trouble trying not to smile & pretend he had no knowledge of what was about to happen .
A super shot - fav! I do love old photos. When my mum died in 2021 I spent quite a lot of time scanning all the old family photos, enjoying the memories some of them brought back.
Ps, I have just taken the blue blob away for you and will post it on the discuss general themes for you. Hope it is ok ;-)