Taken at the Dunedin Casino where we lost all our money - well what we were prepared to spend. You don't use coins now - its tickets. Lost all the fun of it - putting coins in the slot and the noise of all the coins falling into the receptacle. This was actually a video which wouldn't load on to this site.
Thankful for:'
Our hotel room was in the same building so we didn't have to go outside into the cold and rainy night!
I would be a bit scared going into a casino, silly I know but wouldn’t know what to do....they have them in Blackpool but I would never think of going there!
@grammyn It was only $20 NZ (14 US) but normally we have fun going round the machines putting 2$ coins in as we move. You can't do that with a ticket. It was fun in our nice hotel room with lots of space and comfy bed.