AB -after bokeh by maggiemae

AB -after bokeh

I'm after bokeh and I know at a certain stage of the day the light from the sun gets behind this rose bush. Then I just use this small Egyptian statue to focus on. I couldn't really find what the statue was all about - I obtained it from my older half sister who did have a lot of Egyptian artefacts. Some sort of bird god.
Good thing: I made some lemon drink with our many lemons and I used quite a bit of sugar to make it and get some lemon zest into it as well. It's just so delicious!
Lovely bokeh
May 24th, 2023  
May 24th, 2023  
Lovely bokeh!
May 24th, 2023  
May 24th, 2023  
Beautiful. I love your bird statue too, it’s perfect there.
May 24th, 2023  
Nice focussing.
May 24th, 2023  
Such beautiful, colorful bokeh! You have mad skills to get so much of it!

Your lemon drink sounds divine!
May 24th, 2023  
There is something very special about freshly made lemonade. Well done on finding your bokeh.
May 24th, 2023  
Great focus
May 24th, 2023  
Wonderful bokeh. And now I want some lemonade.
May 24th, 2023  
Very pretty bokeh…party bokeh! Your artefact looks like a bird to me….lemonade sounds tasty & refreshing.
May 24th, 2023  
Lovely bokeh!
May 24th, 2023  
Very nicely caught.
May 24th, 2023  
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