Gunnery Sgt.: Target sighted at three o'clock, sir!
Lt.: Fire when ready, Sgt.! Our supply clerk can't afford any more destruction by these varmints!!!
Supply Clerk's Damage List...
1. 6 bluebird houses and counting
Entrance holes chewed so big, the bluebirds won't have anything to do with them. Photo of one is attached here...
2. 4 hummingbird feeders and counting
Chewed up so bad, they no longer hold the liquid food for the hummingbirds
3. 2 new geranium plants and counting
Chewed up and partially dug up
4. unknown number, too many to count
All little green peaches that were left on the peach tree are now on the ground with little chunks bitten out of them
@kerristephens When they are so overpopulated, I so agree, Kerri! Thank you!
@yonnie LOL! Yeah, but my poor bluebirds, hummingbirds, geraniums and peaches. They stopped being "cute" after the second bluebird house was destroyed! Thank you, Yvonne!
@tryeveryday LOL! Thank you, Michelle! Appreciate your comments!
@anazad511 Yep! Thank you, Ana! A real pain in my arss and sad for the other creatures and plants in their destructive path, too!
@lyno Thank you for your kind comments and understanding, Lyn! It's frustrating when you replace something and they turn right around and wreak destruction again and again.
@joeboxster A free download. I Googled "bullseye target" images and found one I liked. Took out the colors with the magic wand tool in photoshop and added it in a layer to the pic, then decreased the opacity. I could've easily created my own smart object bullseye, but was in a hurry. I will still probably do my own later anyhow. Thank you for your comment, Joe!
I used the third one down on the left. =)
I am so glad we don't have these cutest villains in our village - my kids would probably feed them and try to domesticate them :p
The bulls-eye mark is something new!
Lol! love the target, looks like they think their cuteness is going to get them anywhere. We don't have squirrels here but we have lots of other pesty cuties that like to get into our yard. Terrific capture
@memejanetx3 I'm highly allergic to cat dander, Janet. Cats would also chase away my birds. I need some pet hawks and owls! LOL! They could feast for days around here!
May 20th, 2012
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@yonnie LOL! Yeah, but my poor bluebirds, hummingbirds, geraniums and peaches. They stopped being "cute" after the second bluebird house was destroyed! Thank you, Yvonne!
@tryeveryday LOL! Thank you, Michelle! Appreciate your comments!
@anazad511 Yep! Thank you, Ana! A real pain in my arss and sad for the other creatures and plants in their destructive path, too!
@lyno Thank you for your kind comments and understanding, Lyn! It's frustrating when you replace something and they turn right around and wreak destruction again and again.
I used the third one down on the left. =)
The bulls-eye mark is something new!
@sassik LOL! Thank you for your comments and visit, Sassik! Most appreciated!
@emmac LOL! I love it, Emma! Thank you!
@swguevin Ha ha! Thank you for your fav and comments, Sheila!
@deburahiru Thank you so much, Deb! Hugs!
@wenbow LOL! Thank you, Wendy! Really appreciate your kind comments!
@dishaparekh176 LOL! Thank you very much, Disha!
@sangwann LOL! Thank you, Dione! Appreciate your comments!
@rah2012 Grateful for your comments and visit! Thank you, Lara!
@copperheadglass Thank you very much, Meredith!