Real Life by mcsiegle

Real Life

Here's the original of these:

I took this picture in January (2017), but have a lot of empty space in my October calendar and thought the three different processed versions would be most appropriate for the last week leading up to Halloween. So I'm posting back onto those dates.

The impetus of the photo session was that I am TRYING to reduce the amount of "stuff" in my house, and these candles are beyond being able to be lit (they were used when I got them). They've just sat in the box the last couple of years, along with three black cat head candles, which are also kind of cool, but all exactly alike, unlike these. I figured maybe I could get rid of all of them, but photograph them first and just keep the photos. So the pumpkins and cats went outside with me and sat for their portraits. They're still out there. If we get the ice storm the weather folks keep predicting, the candles will NOT be happy campers, but I'm not bringing them back in.

Oh, see? It's so easy for me to anthropomorphize and then get fond of the little guys. Do you suppose squirrels or crows or some other critter could get desperate enough in the dead of winter to go after the wax? That would take care of the problem... If they disintegrate far enough it's out of my hands and I can chuck them with no guilt. But that presupposes that we will have a "dead of winter." If they survive long enough maybe the summer heat will melt them. Now THAT'S the kind of weather we can count on in Kansas. My God, I'm mean!
LOL! You sund a bit demented in your rambling too. I like the processed ones the best. I will applaud you if you wlak outside and toss them all in the trash!
January 15th, 2017  
Lol they look evil
January 15th, 2017  
I had a big laugh when I read your tale. Harden your heart! They're little rascals anyway.
January 15th, 2017  
Great narrative and super explanation for the dates.Made me laugh!
I'm with the Katy and Francoise - although they are cute - they do need to go!
January 16th, 2017  
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