Best on black. Saw this huge - really huge - turtle on the bank of the little creek. I never knew turtles had tails and the front legs were the size of hams. I'd say he has a face only a mother could love, but imagine he's outlived mama. Someone this afternoon told me he was a snapping turtle - nice to have known when my face was about 12" from his!
You are the third person lately to have shown photos of a snapper in their travels. My brother has a bunch on his property in Mass. and one loves to burrow in the horse manure pile! Be careful next time. They have a very strong bite.
Yeah, those are some ugly looking animals. I was always told that if they did bite you, they wouldn't let go until it thundered. :-) So I wasn't going to take a chance with that. Of course, that was an old wives tale. Cool capture.