different _take 2 by mortmanphotography

different _take 2

I don't usually do this but I love the feedback on my pics
Feeling different from most people can be tough, especially in a society that is becoming more critical and less tolerant of differences. Sometimes, it feels like everyone else fits in perfectly, while you stand out in a way that makes you uncomfortable. Maybe you have different interests, a unique style, or think about things differently or perhaps you see the world differently!!!. It's important to remember that being different isn't a bad thing. It can make you special and interesting. Many people who feel out of place when they're young often find that their differences become their strengths as they grow older. As an older member of the community, you can add a breath of diversity and tolerance - Embracing what makes you unique can help you feel more confident and happier with who you are. Be the Red apple!!!!!!!!
Perfect shot for the very true observations!
May 28th, 2024  
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