Thanks to the Kindness of a Stranger by olivetreeann

Thanks to the Kindness of a Stranger

I met an angel today- well not the heavenly kind but the kind that walks the earth and lends a helping hand when needed. Our governor has mandated all shopping must be done with the 6 foot rule intact and faces covered. I'd put together a cap with a visor in front of it since I couldn't find the required surgical mask in any store. I'd thought about a scarf or kerchief but I really don't like things on my face. I went to the post office put on my cap and visor- no problem! Then I went to the supermarket- but the man checking people at the door said I couldn't enter. I told him the post office was ok with my get-up but he apologized and said unless my nose and mouth weren't fully covered I couldn't go in. A man had come up behind me during this discourse and I moved to get out of his way. "I can help you," he said. "I've got a package of masks in my car. Let my go get you one." I offered to pay for it, but he just said, "Oh no, I'm glad to help. Just pay it forward." We exchanged air handshakes and each other's name and I thanked and told him what a blessing he was to me. (It would have taken me an entire hour to go home, get a scarf and come back!) The world can seem pretty bleak. This transitional time can be very frustrating. But just when you're ready to throw your hands up and scream into the air, an "angel" named Ronny comes along and kindly makes everything ok.

Thank you Ronny!
Always nice to experience an act of kindness such as this. :) Glad you could go grocery shopping!
April 21st, 2020  
You were lucky indeed.
April 21st, 2020  
What a wonderful person!
April 21st, 2020  
What a great story, one you will not forget.
April 22nd, 2020  
What a heartwarming story. Thank you to your angel.
April 22nd, 2020  
a lovely story to share - the kindness of strangers :)
April 22nd, 2020  
There are so many great stories about people coming together like this! thanks for sharing yours Ann. Nice selfie too!
April 22nd, 2020  
What a wonderful story. Thank you Ronny!
April 22nd, 2020  
Nice experience
April 22nd, 2020  
This situation is hard but it is bringing out the humane side in people. I sometimes think it has happened for a reason - to slow the world down, and make people realise just how beautiful life is!
April 22nd, 2020  
What a wonderful encounter
April 22nd, 2020  
How frustrating, but how lovely, thanks to Ronny! Nice image to remind you of these difficult times when you look back through photos taken in 2020!
April 22nd, 2020  
People are so kind at the moment. Always good to see a knight in shining armour coming to your rescue.
April 22nd, 2020  
I'm dreading this rule coming in here, the nhs hasn't enough masks, so if public need them we're stymied!! It will be loo rolls all over again!

What a kind, kind man ( it is new and unused I trust!)
April 22nd, 2020  
three cheers for ronny. i am frequently hearing about these types of kindnesses, and indeed when i'm out for my permitted exercise i note how people are interacting more than usual: a thank you when someone stops or deviates to keep their distance, a nod or wave or hello from runner to runner, or cyclist to cyclist, or walker to walker. at those times it really does feel like we're in this together :)
April 22nd, 2020  
Good on you Ronny! Ive heard some terrible storms of peoples poor behaviour lately, its so nice to hear a feel good story
April 22nd, 2020  
As bad as these times are, it is certainly bringing out the good in people. Now if we will just remember all this when hopefully things return to at least semi-normal. I finally found 2 masks yesterday by asking on FB. Lots of people around here are making them.
April 22nd, 2020  
A great story, thank you for sharing.
April 22nd, 2020  
I loved your story, Ann. That was such a kind gesture from a stranger.
April 22nd, 2020  
wonderful that Ronny came forward. You are indeed very blessed
April 22nd, 2020  
Great to hear something positive!
April 22nd, 2020  
Great story and beautiful corona-portrait.
April 22nd, 2020  
How wonderful ...stories like this make my day.
April 22nd, 2020  
So glad you met an angel - they really can change a day right round.
April 22nd, 2020  
@kuva @allie912 @hoosierhokie @sugarmuser @randystreat @annied @grammyn @louannwarren @hjbenson @lyndamcg @momamo @jamibann @onewing @30pics4jackiesdiamond @pistache @kjarn @milaniet @bybri @mittens @ninaganci @lmsa @haskar @lesip @helenhall

Thank you so much folks! Yes, it's good to experience something positive out of this mess. I'll be holding on to that good memory for the rest of my life indeed! And I wish each one of you will experience something positive during this time too!
April 22nd, 2020  
How nice you met your angle today. what a nice man. since I haven't put a foot in any stores since this out brake started, Hans used to do the shopping and he tells me of the nice helpful people around. then lately, Grace has taken over and neighbors and friends are also so helpful that Hans doesn't have to go shopping anymore. it's a little bit of a perk to be what they call the older generation.
April 23rd, 2020  
@bruni Sounds like you have lots of angels helping you out. That's great! Yes, I am really glad I got to meet him and who knows if I'll ever see him again- but I'll never forget him! Thanks Bruni!
April 23rd, 2020  
What a wonderful story and a happy outcome. Mask wearing is recommended and will be mandatory from 1st May. We have been specifically asked not to used medical/surgical masks but rather to use fabric ones. The medical ones are to be kept for medical staff only.
April 26th, 2020  
@salza Thank you Sally! People around here are using many different kinds- most seem to have a "cheaper" version of the medical kind (like this one) but many are using the fabric ones. Some are even wearing their winter ski masks!
April 26th, 2020  
Hope you are getting through this all without too much anxiety - you do have to rely on other people!
April 28th, 2020  
@maggiemae Thank you Maggie! No, I'm not anxious, I'm just impatient with all the misinformation and manipulation concerning this. I'm looking forward to the restrictions being lifted which will begin in segments soon. I was very grateful to this man- so many hoard stuff instead of sharing. So I prayed that God would give him an extra amount of joy for being such a blessing to me.
April 29th, 2020  
@olivetreeann A nice thought!!
April 29th, 2020  
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