I had frozen some flowers back in January and had them in my freezer until now! I finally pulled them out and photographed them last week while sequestered. There are some benefits from not being able to physically go into work!
I added a little foolery to this for good measure.
@louannwarren Thanks Lou Ann- I'm fine. One of our staff tested positive on Covid. He had a pretty strong cough but no other symptoms. That meant the rest of us had to be tested as well. Two of us tested negative, and I was the "lucky" one who didn't- although my first test was negative. I was battling a really bad cold I'd picked up from Jeff which may have overrode the exposure to the covid virus. My second test two days later was positive (which is not unusual under these circumstances according to the websites we read up on) and that meant I had to stay home for 10 days. I never had any symptoms whatsoever and my cold healed up pretty much on schedule so I it was definitely not anything serious. I do a lot to keep up my immune system so I think I just tested as a carrier. Even so, I didn'[t want to expose anyone else so I stayed home. I'm back in my office this week. Thanks!
@hjbenson Thanks Harry!
@ljmanning Thanks Laura- I tagged it. And thank you for the fav!
@grammyn Thanks Katy and thank you so much for the fav!
@randystreat Thank you Kathy!