What wonderful detail! I looked to see what lens you were using and I'm so excited to see you had a 400 focal length... Amazon is delivering my new 100-400 lens on Wed. I have to laugh that with each purchase I think, "Well, that's enough...I have everything I need now..." (In truth, I'm getting this at the suggestion of Matt for the trip to Costa Rica... Wouldn't want to miss anything!)
@Weezilou Ooh lovely a new lens!! This is my 100-400mm lens which I always use for my bird photos - remember the eagle shots? You will get some fabulous images in Costa Rica as you are going to be spoilt for choice as to what to capture!! My only problem is the weight of the lens which can make my arm ache if I carry it for too long. Enjoy your new toy!!
@koalagardens no just tiny adjustments as this was taken in RAW. The sky actually looked a lighter blue but against the brightness of the moon the image was deep blue.