It would appear the locals in Benalmadena park these up in free parking bays for months and live in them until moved on, quite a cheep way to live I suspect my second entry in the weeks theme homes.
Lots of retirees doing the free camp thing here Peter.We did it going around Australia (bush & beach camps ) and only used caravan parks to do some washing and fill with water.Nice capture.
@peterlgrave What a great way to spend your retirement Peter, seeing all those wonderful places around Australia and if you like a place stay for as long as you like:)
@onewing Thanks for your comment Babs we did consider hiring or even buying one then reselling after spending a year diving around Australia when we retired but we could only get a visa for 3 months total in one go so it didn't happen, suspect we would like it so much they would never find us to send back home, lol:)