Another shot of the garden taken around a month after the last one.
Not a lot has happened since the shot in December. The bulbs that I planted out in October and November last year are all now shooting and the eagle eyed amongst you may be able to see them. Very little colour, but if again you look closely some of the hellebores are up a couple of white ones and some maroon ones. The lawn is absolutely sodden given the amount of rain that we’ve had.
If you fancy taking a look at the others, and there is absolutely no obligation to do so, click on the tag below Philsgarden
I posted hellebore yesterday. Ours are up also. I forget to look at the other albums. I was about to ask you a couple of times if you still posted your monthly yard photo. I think that is a nice idea. Good idea adding that tag.
@shutterbug49 The seasons have been crazy for a few years now. The person who started the ‘my garden’ doesn’t do 365Project anymore. Not sure why I’ve carried it on, people are interested I guess given we come from all around the globe. I also do a monthly shot of our Cathedral from the same spot on the first weekend of the month. Not sure why I do that either 😜😜