Catching Creatures in the Tide Pool by princessicajessica

Catching Creatures in the Tide Pool

Victoria Day weekend is the unofficial start of summer here in Canada, and Mother Nature was definitely on board with it this year! It sure felt like summer all of a sudden!

We went for a walk along one of the Lake Erie beaches with the goal of photographing bank swallows.There were plenty of bank swallows around, but none of them were overly willing to participate in our photo plan. Meanwhile, these two young women were catching little creatures in this tide pool and putting them in a jar. I'm not sure why they were doing this. I'm also not sure if this can be properly called a tide pool because it's not the ocean, but-- fun fact-- the Great Lakes actually do have tides, they're just really tiny! The largest ones are only 5cm (2").

I'm still not sure this should be called a tide pool, but for lack of a better term, I'm going with it.
Nice candid
May 29th, 2024  
thanks for joining the people challenge!
May 29th, 2024  
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