Last night when we returned home from dinner “out” with friends, we discovered we were the only house on our street with lights outside. So today all the outside lights came in to be packed away.
There is an agreement to disagree between our younger daughter and me: she doesn’t like the colors of the somewhat-new, LED Christmas lights: too much just-primary-colors, she says. I respect that, but I like how luminous they are … and how they don’t seem to burn out as readily as the previous-generation minis. I *will* admit to one drawback: you can’t plug “lighted ornaments” into these. I offered a possible compromise of using mostly-LEDs on the tree for Christmas ’12 but having a string of miniatures so that we can plug in our lighted ornaments. Apparently that’s an insufficient concession, so the debate will be continued in December…
While I snapped quite a few frames to get this one that I liked, frames saved today: 5.
Retired economics professor (“dismal scientist”). Married 40+ years to the love of my life; we have two grown daughters, both married, two granddaughters and a...
@craigwkr@nyusha@michelleyoung Thank you all! Not exactly suitable for framing, but better than a year or more ago, I'd like to think that I'm more aware of "just-color" and focus and perhaps a mood (like "happy") rather than pursuing that frame-able, National Geographic shot every time. At least I hope I am more aware of different ways of looking at "photos"!