Together, Greater Than Fear by rosiekerr

Together, Greater Than Fear

My sister took this one (she lives in another state and texted me from her march experience).

I loved this image and idea, of unity rather than division, so I wanted to pass the message around. Used with permission, by the way. ;)

Thanks for visiting... I appreciate each one.
I loved that poster!
January 23rd, 2017  
Personally, Rosie, I find this image incredibly offensive! I'm horrified, actually, and sorry to see it.
January 23rd, 2017  
@Weezilou Given the offensive things that are happening in the world right now I don't see how this registers on the offensiveness scale. (As you have made a public statement I consider it fair game for me to comment).
February 1st, 2017  
Good one Rosie
February 1st, 2017  
@yrhenwr Absolutely, David. I take no offense in civil public discourse. What I see is a woman with her head draped in the American flag which in and of itself is not meant to be head gear. I find that, alone, disrespectful. Though sporting a generic face, it's the Muslin women who wear the hajib in this style, and so I find this further disrespectful as I can only wonder the response to American women wearing an Islamic flag draped around their head. There are some in that community who would wish to kill people who they feel they are being made fun of fun of in literature and cartoons. I couldn't agree more that in the present the world seems a dangerous place and people in the US and Canada, Paris and Brussels, Bali, Ft Hood, San Bernadino, Ft Lauderdale and Boston, and hey, let's not forget the Twin Towers in NYC, have been under siege by, what pc way should I say it? Muslim Terrorists? I absolutely believe we have laws in place to vet immigrants, and if anarchy were not taking place for several years now, some of this might not have happened. I'd love to see a return to law and order so we might embrace people of all cultures as we did for so long during the years of immigration. Clearly a faction of our country saw the left as far-too-lax, and, feel the need to a return to center. I'm not afraid at all of sharing conversation about beliefs, but I do find it sad if anyone is into character assassination and name calling if they fail to find a valid argument. There ARE offensive things happening, but some of us don't see "the offensive things" to be the same things. Sincerely, thank you for bringing this up..
February 1st, 2017  
@Weezilou I rather agree with you. As much as I'd like to confer my American ideals on everyone and would like to think that everyone views the world the same as I do, reality tells me something quite different.
February 2nd, 2017  
@homeschoolmom Thank you, Lisa, for that most thoughtful reply. I know a little of your background and appreciate your thoughts on this.
February 2nd, 2017  
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