I couldn't believe my luck this afternoon when I went for a walk along Wood Lane and saw this lovely barn owl. I followed him along the lane as he flew around the fields and then he disappeared into a barn! Well he is a barn owl LOL. Anyway, I walked through the gate where the barn was and he flew out and it was fantastic to see him so close even though I only got a back view of him. I had a quick look in the barn as I suspect he has a nest in there which is why he was out hunting during the day. I didn't want to disturb them so I didn't hang around. I thought my Christmases and birthdays had come at once!
I had been trying out back button focus but didn't really get on with it so swapped back to my usual focusing so I did miss some shots while I did this but I didn't worry when I realised that I had a few good ones. As you can probably tell, I found it all a bit exciting - I know I am easily pleased!
Thanks for getting yesterday's robin on PP and for all your kind comments and Favs - it is always much appreciated. Have a good weekend.