I'm cheating today as I have been so busy getting ready for my trip to Chicago and haven't even picked up a camera apart from packing some in my camera case!
I have been planting out my tomatoes in the greenhouse and am risking it with the runner beans
outside. April is a busy time in my garden so it's not really wise for me to go away and last year, I didn't grow my plants from seed but bought plants from the garden centre and I'm sure that they were not as good. Heaps of washing done too and now I've got to face the ironing!
It would be nice to think that this scruffy blue tit was the little one nesting in my bird box but it probably isn't. However, it looks as though all the eggs have now hatched but it's impossible to count the little ones as they constantly fidget about. Mum & Dad are certainly kept busy!
Thanks for all your kind comments and Favs - it is always much appreciated. This shot was found on my old laptop that Steve will use to check progress on the chicks.
Cute! We have some blue tits nesting in our box on the patio but so far just home building going on.......and hope the cold weather forecast doesn't spoil the fun!