Mrs Duck by rosiekind

Mrs Duck

I haven't been very far today just along to Priory with Steve this morning. We managed to get home before there was a quick shower. I didn't get many photos as it was quite quiet really. However, when I got home and was feeding Robbie in the garden, when he had finished his snack, the long tailed tits kept flying onto the feeder that was no more than 3 feet away from me. I was so surprised as they are quite shy little birds but of course my camera was in the kitchen and even if I had had it in my hand, they would have flown away. It was just lovely having them so close.

Thanks for all your kind comments and Favs. It is always much appreciated.
Lovely shot and reflection. Sounds fabulous to have so many birds coming to visit.
August 20th, 2019  
Beautiful reflected light, tones and composition Rosie:)
August 20th, 2019  
Nicely captured and a lovely reflection
August 20th, 2019  
Terrific capture, reflection
August 20th, 2019  
She looks very elegant with her fine shape and markings so clearly displayed. An excellent shot of this lovely mallard.
August 20th, 2019  
Gorgeous capture. Love the reflection.
August 20th, 2019  
Beautiful Rosie so crisp and wonderful mirror images fav:)
August 21st, 2019  
Great shot.
August 21st, 2019  
Lovely reflection :)
August 21st, 2019  
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