I've been playing with twirling over the weekend and it's really quite easy once to get the hang of it. This is actually a shot of colts foot which is yellow and the seed head which is white fluffy stuff and I thought this made quite a nice twirl.
I forgot to say that I've booked a flight to Geneva to go and see my brother who lives in France. I shall have to take a train to Bourg en Brasse and he will meet me from the station and it's about an hour's drive to where he lives in Louhans. I am now trying to sort out the train schedule which is proving harder than I thought because I don't want to have to change trains once I get on one in Geneva as there is a shuttle train from the airport and with a case to lug around (and of course my camera), it might be a bit dodgy on my own. I'm really excited about it as I haven't been to see him in France and he's lived there more than 10 years.
@dh I did it in Photoshop and I can't remember who put the link up otherwise I would gladly give it you. Have a look on PP as there may be something on there. I copied and pasted the instructions but it doesn't contain the link. Sorry