Podgy robin by rosiekind

Podgy robin

I saw this podgy robin when I walked down the cycle track yesterday and he just stood on the fence and watched me aim my camera at him. However, I was talking quietly to him so I think he liked the fact that I had stopped to talk to him.
I think you have a way with birds Rosie. Fav!
January 10th, 2019  
A lovely shot - all puffed up for the cold weather - fav
January 10th, 2019  
Wow... brilliant capture. Color and detail are incredible.
January 10th, 2019  
Super shot.
I "captured" one a few days ago, spent nearly 30 minutes taking photos of him, if a dog walker passed by he flew off, but once they were gone he came back chirping as if to get my attention.
January 10th, 2019  
never seen a robin quite so round. He is almost a ball. Still sweet though and a lovely image Rosie.
January 10th, 2019  
Such a sweet image fav
January 10th, 2019  
A beautiful capture! The robins love you as much as you love them!
January 10th, 2019  
A little round ball!
January 10th, 2019  
What a great capture! Eating well that one!!
January 10th, 2019  
Pretty little fellow beautifully captured Rosie:)
January 10th, 2019  
beautifully captured, Rosie ~ fav
January 10th, 2019  
January 10th, 2019  
Great Capture. Fav
January 10th, 2019  
That's the cutest birdie ever.
January 10th, 2019  
Beautiful capture and lighting.
January 10th, 2019  
I love a robin
January 10th, 2019  
Superb focus, clarity
January 11th, 2019  
Beautiful capture! Fav
January 11th, 2019  
Awesome capture.
January 11th, 2019  
January 11th, 2019  
January 11th, 2019  
a magnificent capture Rosie, you seem to be a bird whisperer! Fav
January 11th, 2019  
They look big in photos but are achally small
January 11th, 2019  
What a plump cutie pie. Fav.
January 11th, 2019  
Maybe you are a bird whisperer. When I point my camera at birds they usually fly away :)
January 11th, 2019  
Love this fluffed up little fella, big fav
January 11th, 2019  
Beautiful shot
January 11th, 2019  
@mbrownphotography I am sure they know who they can trust
January 11th, 2019  
@rosiekind yeah I believe so
January 11th, 2019  
January 12th, 2019  
Congratulations on TT Rosie x
January 18th, 2019  
Congratulations on TT Rosie! Such a lovely capture!
January 18th, 2019  
@pixiemac @pamknowler Thanks. I was amazed to see him on TT but what a lovely surprise
January 18th, 2019  
Congrats on TT! This was such a good portrait.
January 18th, 2019  
Congratulations on the TT! This is a wonderful capture.
January 19th, 2019  
Absolutely perfect!
January 19th, 2019  
Congratulations on the TT, Rosie! :)
January 19th, 2019  
Great capture
January 20th, 2019  
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