I happened to look out the window and saw what could possibly be the makings for a beautiful sunset. I grabbed my camera gear and headed to a place where I knew I'd have a clear shot of the setting sun. However some clouds had other ideas. The streak between 9 and 10 o'clock is a jet contrail.
@paulam - Thank you for your gorgeous comment Paula!
@kporte - Thank you Keith!
@tomtom - Thank you Andrew! You are so right!
@gilbertwood - Thank you very much Denise!
@flyrobin - Thank you for your wonderful comment and fav Robyn!
@joansmor - Thank you Joan!
@kerristephens - Thank you Kerri!
@danette - Thank you so much Danette for your beautiful comment and fav!
@mittens - Thank you Marilyn!
@melanierivers - Thank you Melanie for your great comment and suggestion, which I did follow!
@mamamayerle - Thank you Maurisa for your stunning comment and fav!
@denisefuller - Thank you for your amazing comment and fav!
@seattlite - Thank you for your lovely comment and fav Gloria!
@icamera - Thank you for you very kind comments and fav!
@tabarlett - Your comments and fav are much appreciated Tammy!
@eyesmile - Thank you for your amazing comment and fav Gena!
@lynnz - Thank you Lynn for your great comment and fav!