On day 9 of the motorcycle adventure we pulled up the stakes and moved down to Terlingua, a little ghost town near the Mexican border. Not much to do here but eat, drink and visit the cemetery. Here was where we ate and drank on the first night. The site of the the stars overhead in this place far away from any city lights was simply stunning. Here, the crescent moon and Mars and Venus made a relatively early appearance.
that purple really was fighting for attention against that gorgeous blue night sky. wonderful shot with the stars and the moon. now, go drink and be merry! :-D
Believe it or not, I was watching this very scene in the sky on June 19 while sitting beside a campfire in Galesburg, IL. A bar & grill nearby would've possibly made it all the beautiful. ;)
@gilbertwood I stand corrected! And I do remember spotting Mars later that evening in a completely different location. It is NOT the dawning of the Age of Aquarius! Thanks for that clarification.