Lest you think I do this whole 365 thing all alone, you should know that I have all of the help that one could ask for. Tater supervises the overall process while Scooter suggests modifications using the keyboard. Together we make it all work.
(Where's the emoji that goes, HAHAHA and has tears rolling down his face?!) What is it about cats?! You are most decidedly well loved with a family who knows about about teamwork!
@Weezilou Thanks, Louise. You above most others know about the love of a kitty....and how "helpful" they can be when it comes to working on the computer. Gotta love 'em.
@shannejw Most definitely a cry for attention. I had one cat that viewed the laptop as big time competition. Whenever I'd open up the cover the battle was on....and the laptop usually lost.
@pcoulson Ha, yes, that in fact has happened. More often, though, Scooter seems to find some key that turns my screen into a mass of gray or black and I have to restart the whole thing. He's even inadvertently showed me a few shortcuts!
@leonbuys83 Thanks Leon. They hit all kinds of keys, and as I mentioned to Peter, sometimes they even reveal some keyboard shortcuts that I didn't know about!