raine @rainechan is my pusher/partner this week and the challenge for me was: "I'd like to see movement. Be it a wave of a hand, somebody running, or anything else. Get a little blur in there, as well."
corner of yonge and queen street at lunchtime. i had a throbbing headache and i didn't know why i was there but i was glad i did. i was standing on the steps of a building staring at the traffic when i thought i could catch a really colourful taxi and get a panning shot. i had an orange taxi, a black taxi, a dark blue car, but this yellow taxi came, so there's the get pushed challenge done.
thank you for your views and comments; know that they are much appreciated. (partner absolutely forbade me to be on the comp tonight. he forgot i could be absolutely obstinate and boneheaded when i want to be!)
@olivetreeann - thank you, ann. the taxi wasn't speeding (yet) as the lights just turned green for him; the black car in the foreground was clearly speeding! where are those cops when you need them?
HOPEFULLY, cross my fingers, I'll hear about my computer today. They said Wednesday or Thursday. I miss my computer!
@bkbinthecity - thank you, brian.
@olivetreeann - thank you, ann. the taxi wasn't speeding (yet) as the lights just turned green for him; the black car in the foreground was clearly speeding! where are those cops when you need them?
@claireuk - thank you, claire.
@henrir - thank you, henri.
@rainechan - thank you, raine. yes, i understand. whenever it's convenient. doesn't have to be this week.
@cscecil - thank you, CS.
thank you all for your concern about my headache. it comes and goes and i suspect it's just the extreme changes in the weather.