a long time ago, i owned a guitar which was a gift from the first mr. summerfield. i've only once taken a photo of that guitar. but ever since i learned how to use a camera, i've been wanting to know how i would shoot a violin. there's just one problem, i don't own a violin nor do i know of one who does. there was of course that shop near my old apartment where a japanese man made violins. i could've asked him to make me a cheap one but after that one visit, he had closed his shop to make airplanes in another city. such was my luck.
in the last several years, my siblings talked about the violin in our house back in the old days. first time i've heard of it and they insisted that i knew we had a violin in the house. you'd think that i taught myself how to play a guitar in high school and the old man could've shown me the darn violin and i could've learned to play it, too! it seemed everyone, including my cousins, knew about it. then eight years ago, during my visit, my youngest sister showed me "the violin". for the life of me, i couldn't remember it or where it was in our house when we were young. i don't know about my family, they're weird.
this is for week 8 of the 52-week challenge the prompt this week being "bucket list". that violin shot is now crossed off that list.
i can improve on this shot, yes? one day then.
also for the black and white challenge, and the six-word story challenge.
and of course the flash of red's still life theme this week. there, i got away from the cups and mugs.