a reddish bush found on the trail. the weather was again beautiful, thus, too many people are out and about. as soon as i spotted this bush, i did a quick shot and left as people aren't respecting the social distancing rule. parents should teach their children some kind of respect and discipline.
a young lady, not young but certainly approaching middle age i would say, and young as in i know i am much older compared to her, in my building showed her true colours today. we used to greet hello and exchange pleasantries. today, she got on the elevator and i asked her why she's not wearing a mask and she said she doesn't worry about "these things", that COVID is only a disease invented in people's mind, and it's just a way for our government to control us, and stressed she will never get this disease that only afflicts asians. i was dumbfounded! such stupid statements coming from just one mouth. i told her that people are losing their jobs, businesses are closing, the countries's coffers are going into deficits and economies are unlikely to recover for a long time. she just shrugged her shoulders and said that in any case she would not get sick if she didn't wear a mask and she walked away with her nose in the air. when coming back from the drug store, i saw another lady acquaintance who also knew the young lady, and i told her about the earlier incident. she said that that young lady is more concerned about the treatment of the black people and that COVID is the disease of asian people. needless to say, the once friendly young lady has no more friends in the building because of her stance. i think that when the good lord dumped stupidity on humankind, that young lady scooped it all up!
The picture would make a lovely silk scarf to wrap protectively around you whenever near the foolish girl. I hope she learns better without it costing lives.
I really like your ICM photo And I’m so sorry you had to endure the stupidity of that person! We have a saying, “you can’t cure stupid“ and she is the epitome of that. One can only hope that survival of the fittest will apply in this situation.