this week's challenge over at 52 frames is "a new technique that you haven't tried out"; or a technique you rarely ever use. well, light painting is one technique i could never get. neither is this folded magazine pages art. @mona65 is the master of this folded magazine pages art and a lot of you people are excellent in light painting. moi, i suck at both they're my kryptonite. but you can give me props for trying both at the same time and being brave enough in displaying my failure in another photography site.
This is quite lovely, but I understand your frustration. I tried it in the past with little success. @mona65 is a master at this. I'm wondering if it has to do with how the pages are lit.
@randystreat@summerfield, please tag me in one of my older mw-paper photos, if you would like to have a "behind the scene" or tutorial, on how I do it the easy way.
I would not call it a fail at all. I like it. Sounds like a similar experience experience for me. I tried the flowers frozen in ice technique - Always looked so good when others do it but I didn't like mine. I ended up combining 2 different new techniques. I think you rocked this one